22| Petrichor

982 54 110

Joe's P.O.V

(Slightly spicy and short chapter)

Ben was practically dragging me out of the apartment.

I honestly just wanted to stay home all day and not move but, Ben has the attention span of a goldfish and can hardly stay in the same spot for longer than 10 minutes so of course he wanted to go out right after it finished raining.

Ben was splashing in literally every puddle around him and he got himself all wet.

I walked up to him since I was walking at a slower pace then him, hoping that I wouldn't get all wet also and zipped up his hoodie.

I just didn't want him to get a cold.


Ben stopped jumping in puddles and started walking with me instead.

He grabbed my hand that was covered by my sweater and swung it back and forth between the two of us.

I blushed a little and smiled.

He was such a child sometimes but I loved him so much.

All of a sudden I heard a female voice coming from the distance and judging by the accent it was Lucy.

Soon I saw her running towards us with her arms open for a hug.

I was a little confused about what had her in such a good mood.

She came and pulled us in for a big hug.

Once she backed away she was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

She held her hand out to show us her shiny ring.

An...engagement ring?

Then I started to piece together the situation.


"You're engaged?!" 

She nodded with a wide smile.

My eyes widened and I smiled.

Ben patted her on the back and congratulated her.

She waved goodbye and quickly trotted off.

I assumed she would've wanted to stay for a conversation but she didn't.


"Oh no" Ben said before crouching down on the ground and inspecting the sidewalk.

I looked down to see what he was doing.

He picked up a worm.

A. Worm.

He picked it up and let it dangle off his finger.

I looked away and started walking faster.

I heard him give an evil laugh before he started catching up to me.

At this point he was just chasing me with a worm.

I was running at full speed and he wasn't far behind me.

Eventually he gave up and just sat the worm in the mud and let it slither away.

He brushed his hands off and went over to me.

I was sitting on a bench because I was exhausted.

He went over and sat next to me.

He put his head on my shoulder and held my hand.

I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb and rubbed my eyes.

He looked up at me and bit his lip before looking back down at my lips.

"Wanna go back home?" His voice was low.

I nodded and we started walking back home.


As we were walking I noticed his hands were clammy and he looked excited.

I didn't know what he was excited for but I went with it.

Ben pulled me into the elevator by my wrist and he looked like he was going to explode.

Once we got up to our floor he fumbled with his keys and struggled to unlock the door.

Once he unlocked the door he pushed me inside and slammed the door behind us.

He pushed me against the door and pinned me there.

My face turned a deep red and I tried to look away from him.

I had no idea what got into him all of a sudden.

He brought my face over to meet his and tipped my chin upwards.

He pressed his lips against mine messily and his hand found it's way up the the bottom of my shirt.

It made my knees weak and sent a chill throughout my entire body.

I unzipped his hoodie and tore it off, he let go of me for a second and pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor with his hoodie.

I jumped up a little and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He put his hands under my thighs and carried me to the bedroom.

And well....you can guess what happened after that.

Hoop Diddy Diddy hoop Diddy doo

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