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Joe's P.O.V

Rami made the decision that we could all just go home today rather than tomorrow but I didn't mind at all.

Everyone else was a little disappointed but they weren't that affected.

Ben was still mad that I wouldn't take him to look at ducks and whales but other than that we had a decent stay.

Ben and I crammed ourselves into the backseat just like when we got there and it wasn't long until we were on the road again.

Yay, 3 hours in a car again.

"Hey, Rami pass the aux cord"

Rami sighed heavily and handed the cord over to Gwil.

Rami would always act like he hated Gwil's dad songs but we all knew he actually loved them.

The first song he played was Short Skirt/ Long Jacket by Cake.

A classic, in my opinion.


Gwil eventually just put his playlist on shuffle and then I Want To Know What Love Is came on and he almost cried.

Rami unplugged Gwil's phone before he would start weeping and then just put on the radio.

So far the drive had been quite uneventful and surprisingly quiet which I liked.

But I had a gut feeling like something bad was gonna happen, nothing very major like a car crash or something but something was gonna happen and I just knew it.

I tried to suppress that feeling so I wouldn't worry myself too much.

Ben gasped and I assumed something happened.

I looked over to him and he looked so excited.

"Rami, turn this up!" he yelled from the back seat.

Rami did as he was told and turned the stereo up in the car.

Ben started tapping his foot along to the beat and smiled so wide that I thought he face would crack.

I realised what song the song was.

Oh god.

"I'VE MET SOMEONE WHO MAKES ME FEEL SEASICK" he screamed from the top of his lungs.

Kill The Director....I should've known.

He told me that was one of his all time favourite songs.

I sighed and smiled while I listened to him sing, and occasionally scream the "kill the director" bit.

He had a nice voice when he actually tried to sing.

I could honestly just listen to him all day.

It wasn't long until the song was over and he was a little disappointed.

I moved over a little so I was closer to him and cuddled into his side.

He locked our fingers together and I ended up calling asleep.


Ben tapped me on the shoulder and quietly whispered my name.

I didn't even realise how long I had drifted off since we were already about half an hour away from home.

Well, I guess it killed some time rather than just sitting in a car for ages with nothing to do.

I blinked a few times to get used to the bright light coming through every window in the van.

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