0.6| Cheers

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Joe's P.O.V

"So, do you wanna get a drink?"

I replayed Ben's words in my head over and over again while just zoning out.

Should I?

I barely know him.

I bit my lip while thinking about an answer.

"That sounds lovely"

I didn't know if I should be cursing myself for that or thanking myself since it meant spending more time with Ben.


We walked to the bar in utter silence but I didn't mind that.

Just being in Ben's presence made me feel this weird high that I've never experienced.

But I liked it, a lot


We walked into the bar and sat down at the first table that wasn't full. A table for two

How convenient.

I looked through the small menu and ordered

A milkshake

Ben just chuckled while listening to me order a milkshake and he ordered something quite strong that I could hardly pronounce.

Ben looked over at me with a twinkle in his eye and sparked a conversation

"What do you do for fun?"

I thought for a moment, I don't do much I usually just stay in my apartment and read or watch movies.

"Uh, I like to read and watch old movies I guess"

I felt so boring but Ben clearly didn't mind because he looked at me with a very interested look.


It wasn't long till the barmaid came back with our drinks.

I took a large swig of my milkshake and decided to ask Ben a question this time.

"So, what do you do?"

He turned a slight pink colour.


I cocked a confused eyebrow

"What kind of skating?" I asked smiling

"....figure skating"

this was so precious

"Are you any good?" I teased

"I guess, I can do spins n' stuff" he said with a small smile

I thought it was quite fitting that he skates, he looks like one of the guys you would see during the winter Olympics doing that kind of thing.


After a couple of dumb questions and such Ben called the barmaid back over for another drink.

This time I actually ordered a traditional beverage

I asked for a glass of white wine.

Ben asked for the same drink he got before

I knew it wouldn't be long until he could barely stand up straight.

I watched Ben look over at the TV across the bar and just took in all his all details.

He looked like a portrait.

He's so pretty

Ben looked over at me again and I quickly looked down at my hands that were sat in my lap.

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