19| Hurt

860 53 48

Trigger warning: self harm, read at your own risk

•short chapter again•

Joe's P.O.V

I didn't hear a response from the other side of the door so I just allowed myself inside.

The sight I was greeted with tore me apart.

Ben was sitting on the floor in front of the bathtub with his head tilted back and eyes closed tightly with tears streaming down his face.

I scanned his body and saw that his trousers were pulled down to just above his knees.

His hands were covered in blood.

His legs were covered in blood.

He was coughing and choking from crying so hard.

I ran into the bathroom and wet a face cloth.

I pressed it against the cuts on his legs and applied as much pressure as I could.

Ben opened his eyes to look at me and put his hand over his mouth.

I used my free hand and pulled his hand down from his mouth and inspected it.

There were marks on the inside of his palms that I guessed were from his nails and those were what was causing his hands to bleed.

At this point I was crying too.

I didn't want him to be so torn I just wanted to help him.

"J-Joe I-I'm so sorry" he stammered.

I couldn't respond I was in full panic mode.

I got Ben to keep the pressure on his thigh while I got up to get another face cloth and some bandages.

I grabbed the cloth and handed it to him to clean the blood off of his hands and then I grabbed the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet.

I popped the kit open and grabbed rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.

"This is going to sting a lot, if it's too much squeeze my hand"

He nodded and grabbed my hand.

I dabbed the peroxide on the cuts on his legs and he hissed in pain.

He squeezed my hand as hard as he possibly could and it hurt slightly but I ignored it.

He was my top priority.

I grabbed bandages out of the first aid kit and wrapped his legs up.

I did the same to his hand and I led him into the bedroom to let him rest.

He laid on his side and started chewing his nails.

He looked like a lost puppy that was kicked too many times.

He looked like he was scared of me.

I laid down next to him and he cowered away a little bit.

His eyes were wide and he looked like he could start crying again.

"Are you mad at me?" His voice was low and quiet.

I could never be mad at him, especially when he was as fragile as he was right now.

"No, I could never be mad at you"

He moved over so he was closer to me and I put my arms around his waist.

He was so fragile that he would probably shatter into a million pieces if you spoke too loud.

He would take care of me whenever I was sad or moping around so now it was my turn.

I wanted him to feel as comfortable and loved as he possibly could right now.

Natalie was like a mother figure for him since his mom would constantly be at work and he'd constantly be skating.

I was in the exact same state when my father died, it was like looking into a mirror.

I didn't want him to be so hurt, I wanted the normal Ben that I knew, the one that would crack jokes and always be laughing and smiling.



"You know I love you right?"


"Can you promise me something?"


"Please, promise me that never hurt yourself like this again"  my voice cracked a little while I was talking.

I was getting nervous since he was hesitating with an answer.

"I promise" he finally answered after what felt like forever.

It felt like a thousand pounds were lifted off my shoulders

I kissed the top of his head and he seemed to relax a bit.

Soon I started hearing soft snores and my eyelids were getting heavy.

I couldn't fight it off anymore so I allowed myself to fall asleep.


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