11| Big Day

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Joe's P.O.V

The last couple days have been stressful since Ben has been practicing daily for the skating competition he has today and he's been worrying himself sick about it.

I woke up early to make him a nice breakfast and a smoothie since he's been so worried about today I wanted to treat him to something nice.

I set his breakfast down at his spot at the table and went back into the bedroom to wake him up.

He also had to be out the door in about an hour so he could get in some more practise time for this afternoon.

I bent down slightly so I was at Ben's face level.

"Ben" I whispered.

He clearly heard me since he smiled softly with his eyes still closed.

"Ben, get up it's a big day today"

He opened one of his eyes to look at me and he smiled even bigger, he did this every morning.

I smiled right back at him and pushed some of his hair out of his face.

"I'll be out in a minute" his voice was still scratchy and rough from just waking up.

I kissed him on the forehead and went back out to the kitchen to wait for him.


Ben came out to the kitchen carrying a duffle bag and wearing a fairly tight white t-shirt and black athletic pants.

He sat down and started eating his breakfast rather quickly.

But I let it slide since I knew he would need to be out the door fast today.

The best part about today is that Ben had no idea I had bought a ticket for the competition today so he just assumed I'd be busy and wouldn't be able to make it so he was absolutely clueless.

I watched as Ben pounded back his smoothie and headed for the door.

I walked to the door with him and gave him a reassuring hug.

He was still incredibly worried and I could tell by the look on his face.

"Don't be scared, you're going to be amazing I can assure you that" I was speaking softly to try and calm him down.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before he walked out the door to go to practise.


The afternoon was approaching a lot quicker than I thought it would so once I finished my tea and reading my book I went into my bedroom to get something to wear.

Today was important so I needed something kinda dressy.

I looked through my closet at all my button up shirts that I had hanging up.

I pulled the one out that Ben said was his favourite.

The shirt was a very dark navy blue and had a white and red stripey pattern.

I pulled a pair of black slacks out of my dresser and some dress socks.

I got dressed quickly so I could text my friends before heading out.

They learned all about Ben throughout the last few days.

It's the big day.

Rami 👽:

I laughed to myself at Rami's comment and started heading out the door.

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