Status Update #50

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1. I MAY restart my old ask fnaf back up and completley redo it and only draw fnaf for that-

Do note it will be based on my main fnaf au (Rumering Wonderland) so it will have all my ships/character names/headcannons

2. Gosh a lot of you guys told me "Go for it!" heh.

It r-really boosted my confidence so thank you guys for having my back on this kind of stuff <x3
And so yeah, I... Sended a message to the youtuber, now I'll just wait and hope for the best. Even if I don't get it at least I tried! owo

3. To make myself feel better, I've decided to deep clean the house. And accidentally stumbled across a file of LOADS of random things I've quickly grabbed during my short visit home back in August. 

Some of them consist letters. To put a little context, when I was 16, I've accidentally thrown myself into organisation/movement called Whatansu, nowadays also known as the Masters of Calm. It's all about spiritual growth, meditation, vegan stuff and etc - needless to say I was more than sceptic, and yet in just two days it cured my scepticism, mostly through A LOT of physical challenges, lol. If anyone wants to know more, hmu, I will merrily relive those memories via telling you more.But basically, there was an internal mail there and on my second day I've received an anonymous letter. I've learned who it was from in next couple of days. I once jokingly called him brother afterwards, and by the end of the week he said from that moment he never stopped feeling like he had a sister. Heck, after all these years we are still siblings on Facebook, lmao. The letter in question is what I needed to read today. It reminded me of a person and generally brought up many warm memories. I'm gonna share it, tbh mind it's a rough translation.'Ayu, we have barely spoken yet but damn I feel some personality coming from you. : D And that's why I'm writing this... : D I'm like a shaman, I sense you're one of those who selects people and takes her sweet time before letting them close. I think it's a good thing, because why talk and be stuck with those you don't like. So yeah, I think we can quite possibly stick together sometimes. It sounds damn wrong in any context, but oh well. : D We have things in common: you're into poetry (so am I), you're a stage person (I'm a born actor, perfect in faking sickness since childhood). So maybe there is something else, redhead? : D '

4. honestly gotta do some spooky halloween themed art soon

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