"Okay, so back to what I was saying," Yeri starts with a sigh. "Using this pen and ink, you can write down the time frame, location, and the name of the person you wanna travel to. Then BAAM! You'll be plopped near that person, well...at least that's what that old lady at the yard sale told me." 

"Oh, I hate that old lady. She kept shooing me out of the yard with that damned broom of hers," Seulgi butts in once again. 

"Well, it's not her fault that you kept calling her grandson a wussy for not being able to beat you in a dance competition." Yeri pours some ink into the ink container. 

"I was being honest. He sucked at dancing! I was about to pop and lock it real hard until his grandma—" 

"He's six, Seulgi! That poor boy had to deal with all that," Yeri waves her hands around Seulgi. "He was terrified of you." 

Who in the world was 1969 Chaeyoung hanging out with? These people are weird....but weirdly sweet. 

As soon as Yeri and Seulgi's squabble was over, Yeri finished getting everything all set up and went out of the room to get the, in quotes might I add, 'abraca-finishing touches'. 

In front of me was the worn book opened up to the first page, a feather pen in my right hand, and an ink container placed parallel to the book. 

Just as I was about to dip my pen into the ink, Yeri comes rushing back into the kitchen with a thin sheet of paper in her hands.

"Here's the magical abraca-finishing touch!" Yeri exclaims, putting the paper down next to the book. "So basically on this paper, there's a list of dates, locations, and people who are time traveling. Find your gal somewhere in that list, and write your name and Jisoo's name with your girlfriend's name, location, and date on that blank page in the book. Then you'll hopefully be all set," Yeri finishes off with a smile that most people would die for. 

That's it? 

All this time I've been looking for some crazy magic portal. And here I am, in front of these two weirdos and a book. A book that's supposedly gonna teleport me after I write a couple of words. 


"Oh, and don't forget to bring the stuff on the table to Jennie's dimension. It'll probably take a couple of minutes for you to get plopped over there." Yeri scooches the items closer for me to have easier access. 

Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim. 

My eyes were alert for the appearance of Jennie's name on the list. The longer I traveled down the long list, my hope began to fade away in sufficient amounts. Then, right there next to the last couple of names was Jennie. My Jennie. 

Jennie Kim: New York City, New York: 3012.

A smile was plastered onto my face. A smile that came from knowing how much Jennie always wanted to go to New York. At least she's in her dream state. 

Immersing my pen into the ink, my mind wondered to everything that has happened. 

One day, I was cuddled up with Jennie on the comfort of our living room couch. And the next, she was gone. Then one month later, I'm here with Jisoo in a whole 'nother dimension. It's weird how love can bring you to do many things that seem impossible.  

Don't Leave Me [Chaennie] [Jenkai]Where stories live. Discover now