||-hiding away from you-||

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Errors P.O.V.

     I woke up after no recollection of falling asleep, i was in my bed, kinda strange because i just remembered coming down stairs, fully dressed, and scaring Ink and Fresh, i was happy. I was happy. I took of my shirt, it was rough against most of the cuts. I curled up on my side, and checked my phone, sunlight dosent show in my room as I chose the room with no windows, its and old house. It was 6:15pm. I let my arms go limp and land to either side of me and started staring at the ceiling. I popped in some earbuds and started blasting some good music, Ive never like rock so it was mostly something along the lines of some pop songs, some lofi and songs that most people will never hear.
   I sat up from my bed and decided to take off the cloth bandage that fresh put on my deep cuts. It stung a lot, but i didnt care, they needed to be changed anyway. I walked to the door and opened it. Ink was standing there, just about to knock, we stood and looked at eachother for a few seconds. He looked me, at my chest, stomach, and arms, all of which were covered in exposed cuts as i was shirtless. I quickly closed the door and sat against it. He kept knocking. Again and again and again.
      I slowly started crying, the tears stung my cuts and i whimpered several times, crying from pain, and embarrassment. The one guy that Ive got a crush on is gonna pity me because im sad, how comical. The one person Ive got an attraction to knows Im in pain, hes knocking, he wants to help. I dont want to hurt him, Ill hurt him, I just know it. The glitches started to consume my vision with haste, the music was still playing, the room was dark, every cut stung, i was scared.
     The knocking stopped and i heard a gentle thud as i assume ink rested his head against the door.
    "Fresh is with Geno at the doctor by the way....... Error... please...just-",
His words were cut off with hard sobs, it didnt even sound like He was gona cry, then.... i just hit him i guess. I heard gentle footsteps heading down the stairs slowly. There was a gental cracking sound, like the cracking, but not breaking of glass. I pulled out my soul. It was a pale red, almost a pink color, and it was slowly shattering, it had been for a while, ever since ink forgot about him. I slowly started to be afraid of people touching me because i was scared it might shatter, Its amazing how much someone can miss the feeling of anothers skin until your to scared to even get close to someone.
     I put my soul away and got up to sit on my bed. I put on a T-shirt, leaving my arm exposed. I quitly opened and peeked out my door. I eventually snuck to he bathroom and got some new bandges and carefully covered my arms. I went to the living room where Ink was watching TV and cuddling a blanket. Cute. I quitly snuck to the couch and sat next to him. He sat up looking at me as i looked straight at the TV, avoiding eye contact. He scooted up closer to me, sighing.  Ink sliped his hand into mine. I flintched, not from pain from touch. He was warm with smooth, soft hands, they were oddly cold at the fingertips. He grabed my hand and pulled my arm closer to him so he could examine it, despite the bandaging.
"May I?" he looked up at me, gesturing to the cloth wraping my wounds. I glimpsed down at him and hesitantly nodded.

Ink's P.O.V.

I carefully uncovered arm of the cloth. There were Several deep cuts and I couldnt look. I looked away at the TV, and glanced over every once in a while to wrap it back up. Error looked down, he looked ashamed. i gestured for a hug, opening my arms and tilting my head. He very carefully leaned against my chest, face first into my collarbone, and i huged him. I could feel him flintch with every movement and touch. He slowly started to wrap his arms around me as he started to cry softly, oh so softly. Its almst like I could feel the sadness radiating off him. I gently kissed the top of his head, and he froze for a little, then hugged me tight. His hair was soft and his skin where I could feel it, was equally as soft and Pale.  His ginger hair reflecting light gently, the first proper hug ive had for a few months. i ran my fingers through his hair and let him cry, eventually pulling him down so he was laying on me as we both laid down.

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