||- Bubbles and a Talk -||

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Error was very warm and flustered. I put on my pants and wrapped Error up in a blanket, picking him up in my arms. He held on very tight to me, it seemed like he was scared. I took him into the bathroom and locked the door. Pouring soap on the bottem of the tub and filling it up with hot water, I told Error to test the water temperature. He sat down on his knees next to me and ran his hand under the water. He said it was the perfect warmth.
    I un-swaddled Error and held his hands as he got into the bubbly tub. I just sat on the edge, watching him.
"We need to talk," Error looked at me, very worried, as if he had down something wrong. I smiled "It's ok, your not in trouble." He looked back down at the water and stayed silent.
        "Error, were you a virgin until 30 minutes ago?" He blushed and let the bottem half of his nose sink into the water, nodding slightly.
"Ok, then we need to talk safe words, likes and dislikes, and how we want this relationship to work out." He tilted his head in wonder. I dont think he's been in a good relationship if a relationship at all, poor boy.
       "Ok, safe words are usually used during sex, but, can be used in any situation when I'm around where you feel unsafe, usually because I'm over stepping your boundaries or making you uncomfortable. The thing with safe words is they cant be something like stop because that dosent quite get into the head the same, it needs to be some random word you would never use standing alone. Have any ideas?" He sat there in the tub thinking, looking at the small patches where you could see the surface of the water through the bubbles.
      "Tootsie Pop"
      "You like Tootsie Pop?"
He nodded very gently. He was very space-y and distant, I think I overstimulated him to much. "Ok, next on the list, was there anything I said that you really liked or didnt like?"
He sat there thinking again.
     "I really liked it.. i... I liked it when u called me good boy-" he mumbled very fast, hiding his face under the water out of embarrassment. "And- I liked it when u made me repeat it." I scuffed up his hair gently, "good boy" I said in a whisper.
    "Last thing we should cover, how do you want this relationship to bed or end up, to we want to be open about it, would you like to also see other people, is it ok for me to see other people? Do we wanna keep this all a secret, or do you still need to think about it?"
    " I dont think we should see anyone aside from eachother, " this made me smile deeply, "but I dont think we should go around announcing it, like dont tell anyone were dating but say were taken, and if they guess who it is than oh well, ya know" he looked at me while saying that. I nodded
       His hair dripped over his eyes and he pressed it back. Very handsome.
    "I think it's time to get out now." Error whined gently. I grabbed a towel and wrapped him up, he was still hard. I was also still hard but exausted and so was he.
"Potion still hasn't worn off for you either I see." He blushed a bit.
      I escorted him back into his bedroom and picked out clothes for him but told him to only put on his pants for now, he sighed but did as he was told.
      I went back into he bathroom and got some neosporin and gauze as well as hydrogen peroxide. (Hydrogen peroxide kills blood and and germs on the blood) Fresh stopped me in the bathroom doorway.
"Sooooo~ watcha doing on this fine morning shirtless? Hmmmm?" He had the smuggest smirk on His face
I giggled pushing past him with blush on my face,
"getting laid apparently." I said nudging him.
"Good luck~" he waved heading back down the stairs.
"I wont need it, take it back." I giggled

I opened the door stepping back into the room very quietly just incase Error had fallen asleep, which he had.(people born as guys naturally have the need to sleep after they cum)
      I uncovered him from the blankets and made sure there was no areas on his body that was bleeding, I dug may nails pretty deep into him, but he wasnt bleeding. I sighed relief, setting the hydrogen peroxide down. I gently covered any scraps from my nails with neosporin and I covered the cuts on his arms and hands with neosporin and gauze. I covered him back up in blankets and curled up next to him quickly falling asleep myself


while ink was in the bathroom I decided to keep my shirt off but pretend to be asleep to see what he would do. I dont think he would but I needed to see if he would take advantage of me. I heard him quietly close the bedroom door and walk over. He ran his hands over my hips and torso. I heard him set something down and sigh. He rubbed something oily on the scratches he made from his nails and all the newer cuts on my arms and hands. Then we wrapped them with cloth or something.
     Ink curled up close to me, covering both him and I in blankets. His skin was so soft and warm against my back. He was still hard but didnt seem to care much. His face was nestled close against my neck, it felt very nice. The smell of him lulled me slowly to sleep.

(I just uploaded a bunch of conversations on my page talking about safe relationships, things like after care, safe words and when to use them and red flags, if you would like updates on when I post new chapters I always updated on my conversations and explain certain things that may be confusing or concerning.

Also, if you lovelies could vote on my story it really helps♡ thank you all for being so interested have a wonderful day/night)

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