|| Art Diary ||

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|| Error's  P.O.V. ||


       I was listening to music but then I start to feel the presents of someone. I opened my eyes after a few minutes of there company. And its classic sans.... I think, he looks like classic but classic doesn't draw... who is it? if only they would look over at me so I could see there eyes, then  I would know. there face starts turning into the colors of the rainbow and I realize exactly who it was. Ink Sans. Color also creeped onto my face, It was Ink, the one that's been in my dreams recently, the one I haven't seen for years. He probably doesn't even know I exist anymore, does he?

      We used to hang out when we were young a lot, It was great. no cares, no worries, no diversities. all of the sudden people started to forget about me, like I didn't exist anymore. I got mad then one day ink forgot about me and that really hurt, that was the I found nightmare sans, he knew me. he became my friend, It's not like I had many to hold onto anymore, Plus, he made me feel like i have worth. I felt safe around him. no one else really. 

    Ink  finally put down his notepad and stared at the TV for a bit, so did I its not like there was much to do anyway. might as well talk to him 

"H-Hey ink. . . " i said nervously, glancing over at ink

inks face became bright with rainbow and just stood straight up and left, into the kitchen with everyone else

         wtf....i mean hes always been strange but this is new. I sat there in the room all by my self. His art book looked interesting. Ive never had a problem with guilt so i picked it up to find a picture of me. He was doing good but they just scribbled it out. i flipped through the pages and found quite a bit of art that looked like me, but not in a stalking way, more like in a way of.....of... like he was trying to remember because every drawing had something different whether it be colors or shapes just something was off on each one. Not all of them were me tho, there were different aus and creatures and a few landscapes.

            there was A folder too, one of the built in ones that are in like 5 subject notebooks. It had a center pocket that was for the most part invisible. There was a picture in it. i pulled it out and at first thought it was blank. but then turned it around.

 but then turned it around

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"i- ... uu--- m...i-i ...." speechless, lovely, but... i didn't know he- he loves me...I could feel heat creeping onto my face. I want to forget.... ugh. . this was something else. i got up and was about to head into the kitchen when i saw ink, again, talking to fresh. so i turned around and tried to open a portal...umm...i cant.what the hell. Oh yeah, I guess fresh is the parasite here, (and....much stronger then me) he blocked my magic here didn't he?  I walked back into the living room, and layed on the couch, blushing, on the verge of tears
    I was gonna cry, why? I dont know. I  squeezed my head in frustration and started glitching a lot with the sketch pad close to me. I could feel warmth covering most of my face at this point and now I wish I was back home. I crashed. I was out for a good minute. when I could see again, Ink, Dream and Fresh were all around me fresh sitting directly infront of me. I jumped back and curled up close to the couch because of everyone looking at me... I dont like this attention. Fresh jumped slightly at my sudden movement. I looked away from everyone and closed my eyes taking a deep breath, "Can we go home now.... please...". Fresh nodded and picked me up as if I were 5. In the blink of an eye we were back home. The familiar warmth. The familiar smells, the both rushed at me and It was comforting. I was home.

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