|| - I could sleep here - ||

2K 62 37

|| Ink's P.O.V. ||

       The sun light dashed my eyes, lighting the entire room in a small warm light. I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes wondering why the sunlight had to hit specifically onto my eyes and no where else in the entire room, Just my eyes. I looked around my room seeing dust partials floating about and the mess of my room. The familiar smell of paint of all kinds random water cups lined on my desk, nothing organized. "Yup this is me,  mess" I said to myself while throwing my arms into the air and falling back into my bed staring at the ceiling. 

        I kicked the few blankets off me and unwillingly got out of bed, I grabbed my phone and headphone and blasted music, It was still to quite. I opened the door to a warm breeze. I walked down the hallway into the kitchen and started making coffee, still listening to my nostalgic music. I leaned against the counter and closed my eyes. It was peaceful, It was quite, It was lonely, it was lovely, It was depressing. Im still fucking single AND GAY ... now what, I'd like to wake up next to someone once, just once, I'd like to know the warmth of love  and the feeling of someone elses lips, not me biting on mine.

         "ha-.... like thats ever gonna happen, . . . . things just get worse with every passing day . . . nothing changes . . . no one loves me, . . .  nothing out of the unusual. . . like always" I stood back up and walked over to the coffee machine and poured myself a cup of coffee and started heading for the table when I heard a knock at the door. So I walked over and opened the many locks and finally the door. 

    "INK!"it was dream squealing my name then jumping and hugging me very tightly. I held my coffee cup away so I didn't spill it.

"It's 8 in the morning, what do you want"

"just a hug!" strange

umm . . . ok anything else?"

".... OH YEAH wanna hang out with blueberry today, we haven't seen you for weeks and we were wondering if you were ok?"

"umm yeah, just give me an hour or so to get ready, umm. . .  just come in and play some video games for a bit while a take a shower real quick." I said gesturing for him to come in 


I headed to the bathroom to take a really long shower, maybe he would leave by the time it got cold.


I walked into my room with only a towel and heard dream on the phone. I closed my door and picked out a loose black shirt with nothing on it, I pulled on some grey sweatpants and my blue coat. I walked around searching for my shoes and just decided on using slippers instead.

     I got into the living room and immediately had a camera in my face as dream dragged me out the door

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