He knew

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This oneshot has alone been made into its own book:

Damian heard the whispers down the hallway, they often sat together to talk about their day he was never invited, most of the time he was forgotten like a promise voiced into thin air. It wasn't always like this before it all started to fall apart, they would talk to him, even Drake noticed him, at that point he was starting to feel better, he started to feel human.

Until it, all came crumbling down and he couldn't grasp the remains in his shaking hands.

He sat in his room alone again, pretending to be alright he couldn't cause more issues by starting fights with his brothers so Damian decided to keep to himself, it's nothing new to him as when he was back at the league he was forced to sit alone and Indore the suffocating silence for hours so he could take it, he had to, he rather be stone cold then go back there.

As the clock kept ticking he began to feel more choked up as tears welled up in his eyes and soft tears raced down his unusually pale face, God when was the last time he ate? Pennyworth often brought him a snack to his room because he knew how Damian was feeling, he was the only one who noticed his sudden change, he tried to help but he was also ignored, Damian couldn't keep fighting for much longer.

It doesn't matter how hard he tried to block them out he could still clearly hear those words thrown at him like daggers, they stung for hours after only going numb as Damian shut himself away in his room, he couldn't hear them but he knew they were talking about him, he wished they would just shut up.

"You really couldn't follow a simple order?"

He tried, he really did.

"Can't you just stay out of trouble for one day? I was expecting more from you"

He cursed his training, he could hear a pin drop from meters away.

"I didn't think Bruce Wayne could reproduce something like him"

He never asked for this, he didn't want to be here.

"He should just die"





Weak, that was what he was, he was supposed to be strong, he shouldn't care about there options. He's not like them, he above them all, he the one who was trained by the League of Assassins, he was the grandson of Ra Al Ghoul, he was next in line to lead. Yet these emotions were tearing him down, he was being consumed by a weakness he was forced to forget, something that was not needed to succeed, trained to not care, trained to be ice cold he should ignore them all and work on being the best, but how can you ignore something so bluntly shoved in your face?

It's simply you can't, of course, he tried to ignore it all, the names, the letter in his locker, the graffiti painted so clearly on his locker, the shoves, and snickers in the hallways, he could snap and kill each and every one of them, but he held back, he desperately wanted to make his father proud, so he would play happy go lucky and try his best to co-exist with people, become someone he is not. But that's difficult when even your family loathed you, what if they hated your very existence?.

Because he can't help but feel like he's drowning.

"Too thick for breath so it feels like we're drowning"

When you sit alone you get to think so clearly that you run out of air to breathe, after a while, you forget that you want to live.

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