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It was one of those nights where Jason was practically forced to come to the manor by Bruce and Dick pestering him for weeks on end after this happening for a few months, he finally gave up and agreed to come at least once a week or even more if craved Alred's cooking, which Jason says is the only reason he goes.

It was around five of a clock when he decided to head to the manor Dick had informed him that Alfred was basically cooking up a feast, to say he was excited was an understatement as most days he lives of takeaway pizza and cereal that he steals from Dick's apartment when he goes over.

When he walked through the door he was greeted by Alfred who told him that most of his family was sat in the living room waiting for dinner to be finished, he scowled at the thought of the awkward conversations he's going to be forced to have and muttered a quick thanks to Alfred and hanged his coat up, he then proceed to walk into the living room.

As he did he spotted Tim and Dick sat on the sofa watching a corny movie together, glancing around he also spotted Bruce who was sat in his favorite red velvet chair reading a newspaper seemingly ignoring everyone, as he walked passed he went to greet him.

"Yo Bruce, I'm her-"

Only to stop mid-sentence as he notices the demon sat on the floor looking quite fidgety.

"Jesus Christ is that a fucking Gremlin?!"

This made Bruce glance up at him from his newspaper looking annoyed at his outburst.

"Jason, that's Damian"

"Whatever, just no one feed that fucking thing after midnight"

Damian hissed before bolting out of the room, Jason just gave Bruce a look of 'I told you so'

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