It's just a sprained ankle

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The rain came down in sheets and felt like icy fingers clawing down his back. Lightning forked above him, and Jason couldn't believe he'd come out on patrol during this kind of weather. Dick was an idiot. He was stubborn, and he was smart, and he could show-off with the best of them, but Dick Grayson was a complete idiot.

Thunder shook the fire escape he was on as if agreeing.

I bet Barbara never had to deal with this, Jason thought, and he would later ask her. They often sat around and talked about the paradox that was Dick.

"Do you have eyes on him, Red?"

Her sudden voice made Jason think that Oracle could read his mind. It's not the first time she had chirped in just as he was thinking about her, and her timing was becoming eerie.

"I don't have eyes on anything. Except I think I just saw a cruise ship sailing down Main Street. Think they'd give me a ride?"

Barbara gave a sigh long enough to have its own sitcom before it was covered up with a rush of typing keys and gritted teeth. 

"His GPS signal says that he should be right beside you..."

Jason changed the vision on his helmet to infrared and did another sweep. He saw what he really hoped was a cat because if not, Gotham's rat problem was getting out of control. He followed its movements as it dashed into the alley and collided with a much larger pile of heat. Jason heard a flurry of swears that could only have come from his brother, and he smiled despite himself. At least it wasn't his cash that was going into the swear jar this time.

"I found him," Jason replied before dropping down and heading in on his brother.

Dick was mostly fine.

He had a few scrapes and bruises, but it was nothing a mug of hot chocolate and Alfred couldn't fix. The real problem was the swelling around his ankle that looked painful even through the rain.

"Before you say anything, it's just a sprain, Jay," Dick stated quickly even as Jason removed his helmet to glare.

"How did this happen?"

Jason's voice is full of held-back aggression that would be let out with gunpowder if- when- he caught whoever did this. Dick looked sheepish before he physically swallowed his pride.


Jason froze.

He couldn't be sure how much time went by before he finally took a breath again, and the only word his lips could form was, "What?"

Dick groaned.

"I was on my way back to the safe house because it wasn't like Two-Face was coming out in this weather when I thought I heard gunfire. I turned too quickly and slipped."

Jason pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And did you?"

"Did I...?"

"Did you hear gunfire?"

Dick gave him a lopsided grin because he knew Jason wasn't completely angry. "No, it was a cat falling out of a trashcan."

Jason took a deep breath, unsure if he could laugh in a situation like this.

"You slipped."


"But you're Nightwing. You're supposed to be a graceful butterfly or something."

"Ye-p," Dick replied, popping the "P."

"But you're Nightwing."

And this time, Jason did laugh. If it were anyone else, Dick might have been offended. Instead, he simply took the hand that offered to help him up. In one smooth move, he was leaning against Jason as they slowly moved forward only for Dick to knock his foot and made a less than graceful sound, making Jason laugh harder.

"You know you could help me instead of laughing" 

Jason just kept walking foward.

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