Why out of all people, did you have to call him?

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The bat-family had planned to all patrol tonight as a "family bonding time" yes apparently good bonding time includes them fighting over who beat up the most guys and them often one of them falling over and the rest proceeding to laugh over there misfortune rather than help them back up.

We just love some bonding time, when it goes to plan that is. Only Dick, Tim, Damian and Cass showed up and of course Batman aka Bruce had to be with them he wasn't just going to let his devil children lose on Gotham, they could probably destroy it quicker than the joker ever could, he just wasn't taking the chance that something would go wrong.

Oh, how I pity the fool.

Everything was going well they all had been following the rules and sticking close, even Damian was acting accordingly, well apart from the constant glares that he shot at Tim, it seemed that it would end well and Bruce could head back and relax for a while before one of them started an argument. 

Until one of the Joker's henchmen caught sight of Tim jumping from an apartment roof to the other next to it so then they had to proceed in fighting them all of in a crowed ally-way, so they didn't have the chance of one of them falling or being pushed off the roof. 

They had nearly finished beating them to a pulp when a large group made up of around fifty men came crashing down from the rooftops and both exits to the ally-way, so basically they were stuck in the middle and eventually knocked out and taken to an unknown location and had no backup ready.

Bruce was really starting to regret leaving the house.

After around half an hour Dick had woke up and found himself chained to a wall in an empty room, the first thing on his mind to locate his family and get them to safety but all he could do for now was to wait for them to wake up so they could start on a plan to escape. Luckily for him, Tim started to stir a few moments after he did and called to him as he came around.

"Hey Red Robin, are you okay?"

It took Tim a few seconds to catch up to Dick question.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Is anyone else awake?"

Dick glanced around him but no one else seemed to be waking up anytime soon.

"No, they're still out cold, what should we do now?"

Tim had to think for a moment before he thought of a decent idea.

"Since no one else is awake yet, our best choice would be to call someone else to help us"

Dick nodded and attempted to reach his phone in his back pocket, But he couldn't shuffle far enough down to grab it, sighing he gave up after a fourth try. They needed a new plan now, and fast so the Joker wouldn't have time greet them.

"I can't reach my phone, do you have any more ideas?"

Tim gave Dick a defeated look before going quiet, he needed to get them out as fast as possible, he was stumped as what to do until he remembered the new feature that he added to his suit he had forgotten it because he was panicking.

"Dick, can you shuffle over to me a little?"

Dick gave a quick glance over to the door then started to move slowly over to Tim, he had barely reached him when the chains prevented him from moving anymore, he didn't understand what Tim was getting at but he went along with it anyway it's not like he had any ideas.

"Okay, I need you to turn around so you can reach my hands."

Dick followed his brother instructions until he had angled himself so he could just reach Tim's hands that were tightly grasped into steel chains.

"Great, now just pull my sleeve up a little, you should see a tiny bracelet, push the red button for me."

Dick did what his brother asked of him and the button glowed a dim red, Dick guessed it was a distress single.

"Who did you notify?" 

"Anyone who will answer it"

They both relaxed onto the wall all they had to do now was wait and pray someone answered it, they didn't know just what unholy events would unfold next.


The brothers had no way to count how long they had been sat there but since no one else had woken up they estimated that not that much time had passed, all they could do was sit there a twiddle there thumbs in anticipation.

 They were about to start working on a lookout schedule when loud bangs and stomps could be heard above them, they hoped it was help, only when they heard a familiar voice and gunshot did they work it out that it was, in fact, Jason causing a scene and seemed to be enjoying his time, as the noises drew closing they got into a defensive position, well sort of they couldn't  really move much. 

Suddenly it grew serially silent and the only thing they could hear where their iratic heartbeat, Dick kept glancing at his other family members wishing they would just wake up, hell even Damian and his scowl would be helpful in this situation.  

Footsteps came rushing toward there door, Dick just had enough time to haul his body left to try and cover Tims smaller frame, before the door came clean of its hinges landing just in front of them this also seemed to jolt his other family members out of there sleep and now we're releasing the dangerous situation they all got themselves into.

"Sup bitches, who needs my help now?"

Damian gave Jason a tired but seriously evil scowl 

"Why out of all the people you could have chosen from, you had to pick him?!"

"Shut up test tube baby, I could have left you assholes to rot here"

Jason shot back with a pleased face.

Bruce just sighed, of course, this had to happen and of course, Jason had to be the one to answer the call.

Of couse, they couldn't have normal family bonding night.

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