Chapter 5: Vulnerability

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YAY!!!! An upload!!!!

Really sorry for the wait, I went on holiday, came back, had writers' block, wet away again, came back, still had writers' block, went back to school and now IT'S FINALLY UP!!!!! Don't hate me!! :(

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is any good and it probably contains gramatical mistakes as I'm writing this at 23:45, but please correct if you spot any!!

Oh and as was pointed out a few days ago, the cast I've posted are mostly Americans of the wrong age and hair colour, I know this, and am sorry, you'll just have to use your imaginations, also, if you had other people in your mind as the characters, keep picturing them, these are just who I imagine XD The pic is of my lovely Robert

And don't forget to:





Oh and the song is "I Miss You" by Blink-182 because I think it relates to Kira's current situation.


I woke up, alone, in the darkness of my room.

    Sitting up, I noticed my shoulder had been wrapped. I gingerly reached for my faintly glowing alarm clock.


    I’d been out for ages.

    Wincing at the sharp pain in my shoulder I stood up and concentrated on my enhanced senses.

    Hearing a heated argument down the corridor, I followed my ears.

    I reached the right door and took a deep breath before entering.

    Everyone instantly silenced. “Kira, what are you doing out of bed?” Jade’s voice asked tentatively.

    “Coming here,” I said in a ‘duh’ voice.

    “Go back to bed Kira, you need to rest.”

    “Yeah Kira, your girlfriend said it herself, you’re weak and need to rest,” a taunting voice shouted from the crowd. I’d know that slut’s voice any day.

    “Show respect for your queen!” My uncle snapped.

    “Some queen,” she smirked. “I mean she’s been in power two days and she’s spent most of them either asleep or not here.”

    “Right, would you rather be the one who was drugged, kidnapped, and shot?” her face paled. “Thought not.”

    “Your majesty,” she drawled, “you think that just because you are the daughter of a King,” how dare she bring Dad into this!? I couldn’t believe she’d stoop that low, “you’re some natural born leader but guess what Kira, you suck at fitting in let alone ruling a clowder.”

I was about to give her a lesson on self-expression and individuality with an added ass kicking for good measure when my cat uncharacteristically told me She’s not worth wasting your strength. And as much as it pains me to say it I knew she was right.

    “Someone take her out of here before I do something I may or may not regret,” I sighed.

“With pleasure,” several voices said as their owners grabbed Lateisha’s arms and forcefully removed her from the room.

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