Chapter 4: Unexpected Occurrences

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'Tis short and shit - sorry, just wanted to post something before I went away!! I also know it's a lot of action and death and stuff at the beginning but all this needs to happen so that the story line works!

The pic is of my lovely Ryan Cole, who'll become a major part of Kira's life at some point.

The song is "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence because I think some, not all of it, relates to this chapter.

And don't forget to: VOTE, COMMENT and FAN!!!!! Please - I'll give you gummy bears???


“I’m not going anywhere with you!” Aaron and I said in sync.

    “Well that is a shame, I may just have to leave you in here, where hunters are planning to torture you both for information on our clowder and your pack.” It took a moment for the words to sink in. I was being rescued!

    He stepped forward to open our cell, and I gasped when I saw his face, “Ryan!?” Leo’s brother.

    “Ssh,” he whispered as he filled the second keyhole in our cell door. “They’ve ordered me to take you both to what they call ‘the entertainment room’, which conveniently is very near the exit.”

    “Please say there’s more shifters outside?” I asked worrying about someone realising that their three shifter prisoners were gone.

    He nodded, “What do you take us for?” I laughed and he moved on to the third, and last lock on our cell. “You might wanna change.”

    I opened my mouth to reply, but Aaron beat me to it, “we can’t.”

    “What? Why?” the last word stung, I felt so weak… so worthless…

    “They gave us something to prevent us from changing, not sure what it actually is, but it’s why we haven’t changed and contacted someone.” I answered before Aaron could.

    “We wondered why we heard nothing from you,” he said and smiled with satisfaction as the final lock clicked open. “Aaron, I recommend you take your sister home as fast as possible.”

    “OK.” he answered, he’d do anything to secure her safety.

    “Kira, if you can’t shift I recommend you do the same...” he trailed off when he saw my face. “Or maybe be not,” he added, looking away. I felt kind of bad but it’s not my fault I over rank him.

    I reached into my left boot to find my knives.


    Right boot; nothing.

    I panicked, I was unarmed.

    “Looking for these?” Ryan asked, pulling my knives out of his pockets.

    “Yeah.” I replied, snatching them from his hands. I slipped both of them into my boot.

    “When I open the door, we run, it might be alarmed.” Aaron and I nodded. He pulled the door outwards and a siren blared. “GO!”

    We sprinted down the corridor, me faster that Aaron who was trying to be gentle to his sister. Ryan shifted and burst open our exit and we followed him out to the pretty low key fight outside.

    Well I say low key, it was as low key as shifter/hunter fights ever got, Aaron had an easy exit and with every step he took away from me was a stab in my heart. If my cat were up and running, she would be out and fuming.

    Ryan had left me just before a hunter leapt at me with a knife. A very small knife.  Well, I say small, it was compared to the two I had hidden under my pyjama bottoms.

    I dodged his blade easily, retrieving the knives from my boot and swiping one across his chest all in one swift movement.

    He face conveyed both excruciating agony, and pure, priceless shock. I guess he didn’t expect me to be armed, and he must have known I wouldn’t be able to change.

    Speak of the devil! At that moment my cat’s mental voice returned. Where’s our mate?  she whimpered.

    Gone, now shut up, I need to focus on shifting. She sighed with happiness, knowing she’d be free.

    Good, I feel like killing something right now. Course she did, I did too.

    Shifting hurt.

    Like I was a statue that had just been shattered.

    I stopped trying to shift.

    I was lying on the ground, exhausted.

    My body still ached from my attempt at shifting, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

    I was vulnerable though.

    My blurry eyes focussed on the green haired girl running towards me.

    I tried to sit up, but Jade’s firm hands pushed me back down.

    “Why did you try to change?” she demanded.

    “Because my cat wanted blood and I...” I trailed off feeling stupid.

    “Yes?” God I hate her.

    “I was scared that I might not be able to change,” I said shamefully.

    “Ha. Right Kira. You’re the most stubborn shifter I’ve ever met; I don’t think anything could stop you from shifting.” She laughed, told you it was pretty low key, no one was trying to attack us.

    “You haven’t met Aaron yet, have you?” I mumbled, Aaron was the most stubborn shifter ever, and I hadn’t even known him a day. Guess that’s what being mates means.

    “Ooh, who’s Aaron?” she squealed, I swear she only brought out her excited girly side when she was planning my demise.

    “Just some wolf-boy who I ended up sharing a cell with,” I said innocently.

    “I heard the way your voice faltered when you said his name, ‘some boy’ has never made you nervous before, and I doubt ‘some boy’ will any time soon – so Kira Alexandra Higate,” not only did she use my full name, she used my full middle name, I hated the name ‘Alexandra’, so I always shortened it, “you better give me the information on the male who has got your heart.” I hate her, I really do.

    “He’s my –” I stopped talking when I noticed a hunter aim a gun at Jade. “MOVE!” I shouted as I used every ounce of my willpower to fling myself at the one person I could rely on for anything.

    The hunted fired, but his aim was wild due to a lion tearing off his arm.

    The bullet hit me in the shoulder, causing a lot more pain than I was already in.

    “God Kira, you idiot!” Jade exclaimed as she flew to where the force of the bullet had thrown me.

    “It’s not idiotic... you would have died...” I said sleepily, we’d drawn a crowd now. I couldn’t make out any of their faces or tell what they were saying, if they’d been saying anything.

    “Yeah K, it is idiotic, you could die,” her voice seemed far away and spaced out as I felt my eyelids close. “You will not fall asleep on me young lady,” she scolded and my eyes fluttered open.

    “I’m older than you...” my eyelids were so heavy. I was so tired.

    “Fuck off,” she told me as she picked me up Princess-style, fuck bridal-style, this girl’s royalty. My eyes had been shutting again but the jolt in my shoulder as she picked me up forced them open. “You better stay with me Kira otherwise I’ll save those hunters the job of killing you.” I choked on a laugh, Jade always knew how to shed light on negative situations like these.

    “I’ll try J... no promises though...” I trailed off as darkness engulfed me properly.

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