"You live near here." He stated.

"Yeah. So? You shouldn't just pickpocket someone like that." I snapped.

"I thought I was going to have to take you to the hospital. I was looking for you information." He said, unfazed and seemingly uncaring.

"I don't even know you." I pointed out.

"You look like you need help." He countered, the edges of his mouth quirking up as if in a half smile, but his eyes did not share the action, in fact it made the half smile scary. I took a half a step back from him.

"How.....nice of you....?" I said, mentally wincing at how unconvincing it sounded. "But I don't know you." I pointed out again.

"But you do need help, don't you?" Brian said. "You said something about internet legends; about Creeypasta's?"

I resisted to grab my head as the white noise flickered to life in my head, as if reminding me that I did indeed need help, but there was probably nothing Brian could do for me, except take to the authorities; where I would tell them my tale and then get myself thrown in an asylum. I hated this. I did nothing to deserve this. My eyes bounced around not focusing on anything as the white noise got louder and louder. I finally rested my eye on Brian once again. He seemed normal, but them there was also something about him causing my fight or flight instinct to flare and it confused me even more. "I don't know if I want your help." I finally said, when the white noise passed. I should trust my instincts, that seemed like the best way to go.

Brian made no reaction to my words. In fact his half smile seemed to grow. "Then I will stay until you ask." He said. Moving to the side in gesture for me to lead the way. "Where do you want to go?"

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I decided to take back what I said about Brian being normal. Normal people don't warm up that quickly to strangers. No one would stay that friendly to some one like me who told them internet legends Creepypasta's were real. Normal people would run from once they heard that in 'Get away from the weirdo' sort of way. But what was I going to so? He knew where I lived now and I wasn't about to go to my parents house or to any of my friends.; He could follow me if he wanted to. For all I know he could be one of those people who like to stalk other people. As I stood there contemplating Brian stood there patiently, for me to start moving.

Slowly, I started walking. Brian couldn't be as bad as those Proxy's from those woods. Brian wasn't a supernatural serial killer. Now Brian could be a normal serial killer, after everything I have seem, that didn't sound so scary anymore. I was slowly walking home, I needed to be around something familiar. Whether that meant Brian coming along, well, I knew where all potential weapons in my home was, if I needed them. I kept looking over my should every few minutes, just to see if he was still following me and with every step that led me home, it felt like rocks were in my gut knowing that he was still following me.

It seemed like every time I slowed down the pain and white noise would start back up, like it was pushing me forward; If that made any sense, and I would swear during an episode I caught Brian smirking his weird half smirk that never reached his eye. "You're very jumpy." He finally broke the silence. "You are scared of me." He stated, and God! If his voice wasn't so monotoned I would swear I could hear satisfaction in his voice.

I hunched my shoulders slightly at his voice, feeling uneasy by the second. Seriously, why was this guy so intent on following me?! I didn't answer his question. I stayed silent, and he let me be. I felt a surge of different emotions when my home came into view; Relief, dread, excitement, and worry. The surge of mixed emotions, caused the white noise to start up again, even though it had just left me. I stopped at my front door and looked briefly back to Brian. Everything in my body was telling me despite his appearance, there was something off about him. "Should I be scared of you?" I finally asked.

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