The Field trip pt.3

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Lizzie's pov
When we arrived at the play ground the boys started to run around like stupid maniacs, Kaycee told us to stay close.The park was kindda big so we desided to explore sand have a little fun but then we heard a scream coming from the distance,the boys stoped playing and we stoped dead in our tracks Kaycee looked straight at the detection where the sound was coming from.

Kaycee's pov
The sound was coming from the woods it wasn't coming from the cemetery because it was coming from the opposite direction and it kindda sounds like someone getting killed in the middle of the woods,we heard another scream and it send chills down my spine.

We desided to go check it out but be as quiet as we can because if they'll know that we're here we might get murdered or some thing but me and Alex came prepared I was carrying a base ball bat the hole time i'm just ready to smack someone that trieas to hurt us or some things worse than that so just for self defence,I told Alex to put some stuff in her bag for emergencies(just an F.Y.I Alex's bag can hold a lot of things even though the bag is small)Brylle took the lead while we fallow behind me ready to whack some sicko that will pop up on us,was was holding me tight,and I think Alex was finding something in her bag the we came across a...a...a HAND,'what the flipping flambonie fluper'I say in a whisper I told them to stop to examine the hand,I asked Alex to give me a pair of rubber gloves Sophie ashes light me while I was examining the hand and the boys are doing look out.

I took the hand saw that there was a mark on it it looked like a small pentagram carved on the decapitated hand then I told the others that there might be a human sacrifice here and the screaming we heard was from the human sacrifice.

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