The little girl

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Kaycee's pov
After class we walked to our new club,then out of the blue we saw Blade,Micheal,and Brylle three of the guys in our class,they wanted to join our club.

Haru's pov
I heard that there were some mysterious deaths and all the victims are found in aleys and most of the victims are students.I'm about to go to the club to tell the about the news.

3rd person's pov
When Haru arrived at the club room she was greeted by Alex,Kaycee was explaining to the three boys what the club was about the boy agreed to the terms and Kaycee asked Haru add their names as members,Haru wrote there names and other info she needed for the new members.

Grace's pov
While everyone was doing what the were doing,I was researching for some "supernatural"stuff couse i'm the "researcher"and that's just my job.After club it was time to go home we all desided to go home together(the boy tagging along with us)we went to go to a park and talk about some supernatural beings and stuff like that,when it was getting little dark we all desided to walk each other home(well the boys are the ones walking us home).

Lizzie's pov
Me and Kaycee were talking behind the group then suddenly Kaycee shivered then she stoped walking,I was confused at first then Kaycee imidiatly looked at the alley where we were about to pass by.

Kaycee's pov
While walking and talking to Lizz behind the others,I stoped in an alley then I saw a girl she looked like she's in the the age of seven at eight,the athers were calling me then,I said there was a little girl here but when they all got closer the girl was gone so I just brushed it of as my imagination we got back to walking but,I heared a girl say goodbye to me and I knew it wasn't my imagination...

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