Chapter 1 the school

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Kaycee's pov
We were sitting in our class room while taking a quiz then,a girl walked in.She had long dark hair and super pale skin and dark circles around her eyes,i don't want to judge but she looked creepy in some way  and looking at her just sent chills down my spine.There was one chair nobody sat on in the first quarter of school,i think she's our class mate that we never met before.Our teacher Mss.Green introduced us to her'ok class this is Mary Jane your class mate and for "a private reason" she couldn't join us on the first quarter.'

Then our teacher asked her to sit down infront of summer and sitmate Chloe,then Chloe started to annoy her by pulling her hair and by poking the back of her head,when she was poking her head she felt someone bite her finger when she pulled it out there was a deep bite mark and it was already starting to bleed.Both of the sitmates looked up in horror and disbelief,there was another face behind her head,then the bell rang and we all stood up no one noticed it well i did.After what happened this morning the two girls haven't been seen yet well,karma is true...

After class we all got to choose our dorm mates,me and alex,Sophie and Mae,Grace,Haru and lizzie(Grace beged the principal to let her have a dorm with her friends) so she ended up with Haru and lizz our rooms where just beside each other.Night time has arrived me and Alex are watching an anime(BNHA)then there was a knock on the door,Alex went to open it and I was right behind her holding a baseball bat(just for self defence).

Mae's pov
I went out of my dorm because Sophie was already sleeping and i left my charger in our classroom and i'm to scared to go to the main building.

Alex's pov
While walking it felt like somebody was fallowing us,then all of a sudden Kaycee said that the school was hunted,she said that this use to be a big mansion and that the owner killed his family and stuff like that witch made Mae was already scared and i couldn't concentrate to the story cause of the feeling of being fallowed,we arrived at the main building ang the feeling went away so,i shrugged it off as we approached the door but it was locked,good thing Kaycee has a spair key that she "borrowed" from the janitor.

3rd person's pov
When the three friends got in the main building they walked trough the empty corridors,then Kaycee stoped to look in an empty classroom,well at least that's what it looks like,the room was dark but Kaycee could feel some dark presence in the room but Mae was in a another room then she screamed claiming she had saw a women following her in the room,good thing Kaycee knows self defence and she brought a bat just in case they ran to the room where Mae was.Mae was in a cornner of the room shaking(Mae is the easiest to scare among the friends)the window was open,Kaycee thinks that's where the person or thing came in,Alex helpped Mae up while Kaycee took the charger then walked out of the room

There's defenitly something wrong...

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