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This is another chapter but not part of the story again...

Monic's pov
I'm monic 22 year old and I come to this bar every night to find the "one"but each night after drinking with them they just disappear.

I sat down in my on the stool and the bar tender poured me a drink then a guy sat next to me,his name was Eric,and we started talking and drinking all night.

Time skip~

3rd person's pov
In the morning Monic woke up in an empty motel room(No she is not naked),her body was filled with bruises and like what  always happens "He"was gone again just like what every guy does to her they just disappear.Monic got out of the motel and want to meet up with her friend Diana in a caffe.

Monic told Diana what had happened the night before befor getting drunk 'Are you realy that bad when your drunk?'Diana asked 'I don't know'Monic replied so,Diana told her that she knows someone who can help bring her memories back.

Diana and Monic arrived to an abandoned building,Diana led her down to the basement and when she opened the door they saw a desktop,a guy sitting infront of it and a fridge in the back and some sacks and cobwebs,the guy turns around to face the girls 'Monic this is my bf Mark and he's gonna help you,ok?'Monic nodded and she sat down on the chair Mark offered to her,she was instructed  to close her eyes and relax,Monic did as told and closed her eyes,Mark snapped his fingers.


It was night time  and Eric(the guy Monic met)was panting,his heart was rassing and he was injured,Eric was hiding in a corner of a building then all a sudden,Monic peeked with an innocent face then she pulled out a knife and that innocent look of hers turned to be a psychotic one then she killed him.

end of flashback~

Monic's eyes shot open in disbelief and horror she couldn't believe what she saw,was she realy that horrible person when she's drunk?

Diana led her out of the building and went back to her bf and they started a conversation

D:she's gone
M:Did you make sure to press charges on her?
D:yes,I told her to pay us.So what kind of made up memory did you give her?
M:I made her look like a psychopathic killer when she's drunk.
D:good couse no one knows what realy happens to her when she's drunk...she's such an extreme alcoholic...

end of conversation~

It was already night time and Monic was in a local convenient store buying some beer,after buying Monic desided to go drink at a bridge...

Back to Diana and Mark~

Diana told Mark to call Eric to thank him for cooperating with them so they could fool Monic the told him to beat her up real good,the phone rang then they heared Eric's ringtone in side the room and it sounded like it was in the corner were the sacks are placed they called out for Eric to stop playing arrowned and come out,but the notice there was a bloody hand sticking out of one of the sacks,they frozed.The two heared someone walking towards the room it was,Monic with an innocent look the she said 'how did you know?'then she attacked the two with a super sharp blade

flashback back to the bridge~

*Can label*No ALCOHOL...

she wasn't drunk at this time...

The end

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