The little girl pt.3

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Grace's pov
Do you guys ever wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but your too scared well that's what's happening to me(this actually happened to and I almost pissed my shorts)our bathroom in our dorm is currently out of order so the only option is to go to the main building,my roommates are just so hard to wake up so,I do the next thing I could think off go to Mae and Sophie's dorm the hallway was kindda creepy but luckily our dorms were right beside eachother,I knocked on the door no response so I went to Kaycee and Alex's room,I knocked on the door for three response I was about to turn away then all off a sudden the door opened and it was Kaycee,she asked me why I was here so I simply told her,I realy have to pee and she let me in she turned on the lights then,I ran to the bathroom when I was in the bathroom,I heared...singing coming from outside,Alex was already fast a sleep,it couldn't be Kaycee I mean she can sing but it sounded much younger than her,but I shrugged it off as my imagination.

when I went out of the bathroom,I saw Kaycee sitting on a chair scrolling down at her phone but behind her was...a little...girl..?I know I just peed but it makes want to go again then all of a sudden,I felt dizzy and I couldn't keep my balance my vision was getting blurry and befor,I new it I lost consciousness and passed out.

I woke up in my dorm,my head hurts...I saw Haru and Lizzie getting ready for school,I got up from bed and started getting ready too but Haru saw me and told me that,I can stay in bed if I don't feel well,I can stay in but,I said I was ok and got dressed.

Time skip~

Kaycee's pov
after class me and Alex went to our club room and every one was already there,Haru was writing,Grace was probably searching for some unnatural cases and stuff,Lizzie and Mae were looking out the window and Sophie was reading a book,and the boys are....just being ....boys.We both sat next to Grace while she was scrolling down her laptop we decided to put internet in our club room so it would be easier to search some info,then I saw news that there was a little girl that was killed in a park,I just shrugged it off I didn't think it could be anything out of the ordinary just another mentally disabled person killing some young children but that didn't mean,I didn't feel bad for the kid I mean she could've lived longer.

Time skip~

Alex's pov
When it was time to go back to the dorms me and Kaycee decided to go to "seven eleven"to get some snacks,we were about to go out campus but then Grace called she said she wanted to tag along,while walking I kindda heard a little girl behind me but both Kaycee and Grace are on both my sides,I slightly look back and saw nothing 'never look back'Kaycee said I knew that heared it too not just me and Kaycee even Grace it was obvious that she heard it couse she was already sweating and the look on her face speaks for it's self we got to "seven eleven"we went inside and saw the flat screen tv(u know the tv where u can see ur self from the cctv).

I looked up to the tv and saw the same girl that I saw in my bed,chills ran down my spine as I shivered,I walked in the store pretending that I saw nothing and nothing,Intried to stay as calm as I can while following Kaycee and Grace trying not to look back couse Kaycee said so and I just realised that's how people in a horror movie die and i'm not trying to so yeah just...stay calm...

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