Where's my baby

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This is another chapter but not part of the story(based on Webtoons)

Mira's pov
I was walking back to my apertment after night-study session at school,but there was no one in the street which I thought was strange I usuwally see many people at night since my apartment complex was pretty big.I was feeling scared so I just looked down at the ground while walking,suddenly a shadow streaching towards me count my eye,I looked up to and there was...and saw a woman walking infront of me but she looked strange.She looked krippled and limp she was strugling to walk infront of me.Since she was walking very slow I soon couture up with her,up close I was able to see her better.She was wearing a dirty pink pajamas and her joints looked like they were twisted whores her hair was a mess and was sticking out everywhere.I felt so weird that I stoped walking,I felt as if I shouldn't get closer to her ni should I pass her by.She turned to face me...you know people say that if your realy surprised you can't realy cream.I froze there not being able to move at all.'where is my baby?' she asked.O didn't know why but my hand just moved it's self and pointed in a random place as far as I could' there'I said and she imidiatly went to that direction so I started to run but then'she's not here!'she came back fast probably mad and I saw her sprint over to me with her twisted body...I felt dizzy then I passed out.My neighbor found me on the ground when she was going for a walk,she told me that in 2007 there was a woman threat jumped of the complex apertmen becouse due to he extra-martial affair she has lost costody of her two year old dougther and ever since that she has been seen walking the streets near by looking for her baby.

Thank you for reading and I wall try to update the actual chapter of the story.

hope you enjoyed

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