Chapter 13 ∆ Ruke.

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A/N     OMG you see what i did there? the last chapter was Ruke? and this one is Ruke. and its tfios and parts of that movie will be hinted in here!

Continue :)






       Its been a few days since Ashton and I split up. I haven't left my room. I'm ending up just like I was after Spencer. Luke has came very chance he had. The band has been really busy with gigs these past few months that its hard for them to gave a break. They all leave to tour the US and Canada in a month. I don't know what I'll do without Luke. He was currently in my kitchen with Caitlin, fixing something for me to eat. Granted I need to eat, I just can't bring myself to do so. Its hard to. I get this lump in my throat every time I'm around food. Even just the scent of food makes me want to vomit.

      A knock brought me from my thoughts as Caitlin popped into view with a small plate in hand.

      "Hey babe. I brought you a some toast." She said, a slight smile tugging at her lips.

       I just shrug and pull my legs closer to my chest. Cait sighs and rests her hand on my knee. She sets the plate on my nightstand and her attention turns back to me.

        "Rose...I know your sad, but you can't let this take you over. Don't let Ashton be another Spencer. You love him, don't you?" She questioned.

        "I don't even know depression hasn't been this bad in months. Not even this bad when Spencer left..." I say in a voice barely above a whisper.

         "No matter what you do, I'll always be here. I won't leave you.I can't. Your my sister." Caitlin says, her smile not leaving her lips this time.

        I say nothing and open my arm, her wasting no time to embrace me. I nuzzle my face in her neck as she sighs.

        "I just want Luke..." I mumble.

        "I'll go get him, yeah?" She asks, pulling away and looking at me.

        I nod and she disappears. I go back to my headboard and wrap myself up in my thick blanket. My eyes droop as I once again, feel extremely tired. Luke finally shows up, smiling warmly. I can feel myself get happier as my heart rate picks up. He sits cross legged in front of me, laying his head on my knees.

        "How are you?" He asks lowly.

        I shrug again, this time with a yawn to follow. Luke smiles slightly with a small chuckle. He gets up and climbs under the blanket; me laying my head on his chest while his arm are wrapped around my waist. I sigh of relief and sleepiness.

       "Tired?" Luke asks, looking down and kissing my forehead.

       I nod, "Of coarse. I haven't gotten more than 7 hours of sleep in the past four days."

       "Well, maybe you should try and sleep." He giggled.

        "Did you just giggle?" I say, giggling myself.

         "Yes, yes I did." He said, proudly at that.

          "So manly."

           "Oh please. I can show you manly."

           "Beg to differ, Hemmings."

           He takes my chin in his fingers and lustfully kisses my jawline. He moves down farther. Luke moves from his position and straddles me. My hands find their way to his hips. He kisses up but stops when he reaches the corner of my mouth. He looks at me once again.

           "Would it be okay if I kissed you Rosaline?" He asks innocently.

           "Of coarse." I smile, my voice breaking a little.

          He slowly leans in, my hand on the back of his neck. He finally kisses me. My stomach erupts in butterflies. I inhale deeply, pulling the blonde closer to me. Luke's hand rests on my hip as mine swarm through his hair. I push him back, and climb on top of him; straddling him. He situates himself to where his back rests on my headboard, I slowly move my hips forward. Luke slightly moans in response. His hands move from my hips, and up my sides; resting in the middle.

        What if I did choose Luke? I question myself. I mean, Luke treats me how Ashton did when we first got together, and I dont want to make the same mistake. I really like Luke, dont get me wrong, but there's just something about Ashton. I can't pin point it. But the thing is he doesn't treat me like he used to. And I'm afraid that if I do go back to Ashton, we wont be the same because we'll be reminded by our mistakes.

        Luke brought me out of my trance when his tounge swiped across my lips, begging for and enterance. I quickly granted it, pulling on his hair. His hands went just under my tank top, gripping the little skin provided. I pulled back slightly, smiling and then biting his bottom lip. He let out a giggle. I giggle back, due to his giggle.

        "It's adorable when you giggle, Lukey." I say quietly.

        "Everything you do is adorable, Rosiiee." he said, stretching out the ie in my name.

        "Your perfect." I said, letting my fingers dance across his collar bone.

        "We're perfect." he mumbles, his hands still on my hips.

        "Who said there's a we?" I question jokingly.

       "No, Rose. I'm being serious. I know I'm Ashton's best friend, but I really like you. I wont let us end up like you and him. I promise Rosaline." Luke says, straightening his posture and looking at me with his amazing blue eyes.

        "Promise?" I ask, bringing my hand up to his cheek and resting it there, my thumb slowly moving.

        "I promise baby." he said lowly.

        I smile and peck his soft lips. He smiles, his dimples showing. I poked it with my index finger.

        "Maybe you should get some sleep, yeah?" Luke mumbled.

        "But I wanna stay up with you, Lukey." I furrow my eyebrows and snuggle closer to his chest.

        "Rose, you need sleep. I'm here, and maybe you'll be able to sleep while I'm here. Please try baby." he said, twirling a piece of my hair in his fingers.

        "Fine." I grumble.

        "You need to sleep okay?" Luke said.

        "Okay." I smiled.

        "Okay." he said back.

        "Okay, Augustus Waters." I say, looking up at him.

        "Okay, Hazel Grace Lanchaster." He said, kissing my forehead.





A/N                    Ugh. TFIOS refrences. Holy Hellllllllll.

        I hope you all like this chapter!!!

I love you!!


∆ Who Knew ∆ LUKE H. ∆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon