Chapter 3 ∆ Apologizing? I Think More

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A/N The new, new cover was made by Cam (@ayelashes). She had suggested that she make a new one since you couldn't see the quote. Anyways, Hope you like this chapter. Its kind of a filler but not. I did a lot of thinking of whether or not to include things just yet or not or whether to have Rose and Ashton to say and do things just yet. Its so much work and confusion.. READ ON LOVELIES!

°Ashton's POV°

I walked to my car, almost regretting what I said. But then again, I don't. This isn't the way I wanted her to find out that I love her, and I didn't want it to come out in an argument about us.

I love Rosaline. I do. With everything I am. I can't loose her. I won't.

°Rose's POV°

I walked back to my room and shut my door. I slid down it, tears threatening to spill. My hand picked up his bandana and folded it up as if he were getting ready to wear it. Being the stupid person I am, I put it on. This time, I began to sob.

"What have I done?" I ask my self, barely understanding what I just said, "I messed up. I need to fix this."

I stood up and threw my blanket on my bed. I took of the bandana and took a quick shower.



Once I finished, I slid some underwear on and a random bra. Deciding on my light denim high waisted skinny jeans and my black crop top with Great Smokey Mountains written in light purple, I applied a simple look if makeup. Just mascara and a light natural gold eye shadow. I dried my hair and lazily braided it off to the side. After much debate, I tied on Ashton's bandana. Running out of my room with my out of date android touch screen phone, I made my way to the front door where my black and white high top Converse were. I slid them on and made my way to my truck, which was given to me by my step-dad. My fingers anxiously slid the key into the ignition and started the engine. I pulled out of the complexes and to Ashton's house he shared with his three best friends.





"Luke! Where is Ashton?" I ask after he opened the door.

"He's in his room..why?" he asked, letting me in, followed by a quick hug from the Iron Giant, Luke Hemmings.

"I just need to talk to him. We'll explain everything later." I say, running off to Ashton's room.

"Hey Rosie." I heard a voice say.

"Hey Mikey. No time to talk." I shoo him and bang on Ashton's door.

"Ash. please open the door." I command.

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