Chapter 4 ∆ I Forgot!

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°Rose's POV°


.Three Days Later




After getting out of the shower, one that I desperately needed, I changed into another pair of black sweat pants I had and a fitted tank top. I split my hair down the middle with a brush after blow drying it. I opened my drawer with my make-up, debating whether or not to put any on. That's when I saw my blue container that I haven't touched in four days. My eyes widened with fear.

"Oh no." I said aloud and picked it up.

I scaredly opened it, seeing that the last time I took my birth control pill, was the morning of the party, before Ashton told me I had to go to it. My body deals with birth contol differently. I have to take one every morniong and every night. I had no idea if it had worked or not. {SIDE NOTE~ I have no idea how people react to birth control and I have no clue if its possible for you body to react like Rose's and have to take two. IDEK}

"Fuck!" I yelled, slipping the container into my sweat pants pocket and scrambling out of my bathroom.

I angrly flipped over my pillows and threw my blanket off my bed, looking for my phone. Nope. I ran to the living room and to the couch. Not there under my icepop wrappers or empty ice cream bowls. Knowing me, I opened my fridge to find it sitting on a thawing package of meat I planned to use tonight for tacos. I scurried to unlock it and dialed Ashton's number. After ten times of calling, it went to voice mail each time.

"Dammit Ashton. The time I really need to tell you something, you ignore me." I say to myself, looking for my other closest friend's number considering I haven't memorized it. Michael.

It took him two rings before he answered with a, "Hey Rosie Posie."

"Mikey. Is Ashton home? I really need to tell him something." I said while slipping on my Converse.

"Uh yeah, why." he asked curiously.

"Well, since you already know, Ashton and I had sex. I didn't find any comdoms anywhere. Plus, I forgot to take my birth contol pill that night and I have no idea if that affected anything." I explained, hopping in my truck and starting it.

"He's home, Rose. Calm down."

"I know. He just didn't answer my calls."

"He hasn't came out of his room since you came by a few days ago."

"God dammit. Okay. I'll be there in a second Mikey. See you soon."

"Okay, byee."

And with that, we hung up. I pulled into a parking spot in front of their duplex. I didn't bother knocking, so I just walked in and went straight to Ashton's door. I stood in front of it, holding a fist up like I was getting ready to knock, but I was afraid. Without having too much thought, I swiftly opened the door. Ashton was lying in his bed, under his covers.

"Ash.." I said quietly.

"Why'd you call?" he said, not turning around to face me.

"I...I need to show you something." I said.

He sat up and turned to me. His eyes weren't as bright as they usually were. His hair wasn't styled. He wasn't wearing his bandana. He looked like a totally diferent person.

"What do you want to show me?" he asked.

"Uh..Can I- can I sit?" I asked, coming closer to his bed.

He simply nodded. I pulled out the birth control container, and opened it.

"Rose. You forgot to take it?" he asked, anger building up.

"I was supposed to take it the night..the night that we had sex. I forgot. I-I dont know if that affected anything or not. I haven't taken it since that morning." I said.

"What if your pregnant?" he asked, standing up, me following.

"I haven't felt any morning sickness or vomited."

"You need to take a test."

He hurried and slipped on a pair of jeans and a random band shirt, that was Luke's. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room after putting on shoes and grabbing his wallet.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we got weird looks from the others.

"To buy test." he said, going out to his car.

"You want to be there when I find out if I'm pregnant or not?" I ask raising an eyebrow.


"Oh, I see. You want to find out if I'm pregnant or not. And if I am, your gone and I'm on my fucking own."

"No, no. If you are, I'm staying. And if you aren't, I'm still staying."

I just sighed and sat back into the seat with my arms crossed.

"Fuck, I hope I'm not pregnant. I-I still need to finish collage. I'm only half way through!"

And that was the last thing said before we made it to Walgreens.



°Ashton's POV°



We walked back to the pharmacy and waited for someone to show up. I cautiously grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. I know she's in a vulnderable state, but so am I. I mean..what if she is pregnant? We're both too young to be parents, we're only 20! Well, she's nineteen, but still! {ANOTHER SIDE NOTE~ ROSE GRADUATED EARLY FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND WENT STRAIGHT INTO COLLEGE TO GET HER PHOTOGRAPHERS DEGREE!! EVEN THOUGH THIS IS AN A.U FANFIC, ASHTON AND THE OTHER BOYS ARE STILL TRYING TO DO THE MUSIC THING, THEY ALL LIVE OUTSIDE OF L.A}

"What can I do for you guys?" a woman around...27 asked us.

" could we have the most accurate at-home pregnancy test you have?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. One second." she said and disappeared.




I paced back and forth in front of my bathroom door while I waited for Rose to finish up. She was in there for a good ten minutes. In that ten minutes, I paced, layed on my bed, sat on my bed, thought out loud, and sat on the floor. I ran my hands up and down my face, and that's when Rosaline came out of the bathroom, holding the stick.









A/N DUN DUN DUUNNN!! hahahaHAHAHhaHAHAHAHAAhahahaHAHAhA CLIFF HANGER!!! dont you guys just love me?! go ahead. hate all you want. i had this thought when my cousin told me that she got preggers bc she forgot to take her birth controlio. Hope you like!! Lol the picture is bc you dont know if its positive or negative!!! MWAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA






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