Sonic: They're all here is because we will be fighting the teachers. That's are pratical.

The students eyes widen while the teachers were smiling since they were impressed with Sonic's observation.

Nezu pops out of EraserHead's scarf while praising Sonic, and explaining how the battle will be play out.

Nezu: Correct! Today's practical will be a 2 versus 1 battle. There will be a handicap for the teachers so you can have a fighting chance. The teachers will be wearing these hand cuffs that will decrease our stamina and makes us harder to move. So in order to win you must handcuff the teacher in any area, or if one of you manages to escape. Now here are the people who will be fighting in order!

1st Match

Kirishima & Sato VS Cementoss

2nd Match

Jirou & Koda VS  Present Mic

3rd Match

Hagakure & Shoji VS Fang  (A/N: I change Snipe to Fang since they are both Snipers)

4th Match

Mina & Kaminari VS Nezu

5th Match

Tokoyami & Asui vs Ectoplasm

6th Match

Todoroki & Momo VS Eraserhead

7th Match

Sero & Mineta VS Midnight

8th Match

Ururaka & Bakugou & Yuuga VS 13

9th Match

Iida & Ojiro VS Power Loader


Sonic: Uh? Nezu? WHat about me?

Nezu turned around ans gave a evilish smile on his face, the same can be said for the other teachers as well.

Nezu: Sonic, your a special case. You see, you will be fighting all by yourself agaisnt-

???: HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

All Might jumped to the air and landed very heroically. Sonic was a bit shaken up since he realizes who he has to fight.

All Might: Your opponet is me!

The class look at Sonic in pity since he has to fight the wolds strongest hero. But to their suprise however, Sonic wasn't looking even scared at all. He was....smiling? Even the teachers were suprise by this.

Sonic: So I'm fighting All Might eh? This is great! I've been waiting my whole life to fight agaisnt the symbol of peace. I will give it my all All Might. Heck don't even wear those bracelets. I want to win by knocking. him. out. cold.

This took everybody by suprise. Nezu agreed to this and started off with the first match.

A/N: Im just gonna skip to the 8th match since most of it is the same as the anime

The 8th match begins with Bakugou charging into 13. Yuuga also joins in by firing lasers at her so she can be distracted while Ochako sneak behind 13 to make her float whch she manages to do and runs oof to the escape gate. 

Bakugou and Yuuga both caught up with Ochako since Bakugou claims that he blinded 13 and made a huge smokescreen that gave them an opening to escape so she releases her quirk.

Just about when they reach the exit though, they were pulled back by the wind only to realize that 13 caught up with them and is using her quirk to stop them in their tracks.

They quickly grabbed onto the poles that were there while Yuuga tries to shoot his lasers at 13 but only to get sucked up by the blackhole.

Yuuga: Well, this does suck!

Ochaco: Not helping! *mind* crap! ok i need to think here! What will Sonikku do in a time like this!?

Yuuga: Hey

Ochaco: Not right now i'm thinking!!!!!

Yuuga: About Sonic. ah how sweet.

Ochaco: eh?

Yuuga: Do You Love him?

That froze Ochaco on her tracks. Her face turn red as Kirishima's hair while slowly losing her grip without even realizing it.

Bakugou: I guess you do really love Sonic. Well, I wish the best for the both of you. But now lets see if my theory is right.


Ochaco gets her grip back as she saw Bakugou facing forward and let go of the poles.


Bakugou releases his both of his pins at 13 when he was halfway to blackholes grip. Two large explosions came at 13 super quick. Blackhole couldn't suck all the explosions in time as some the explosions got to 13.

13 was lying down on the ground, barely even able to move. Ochaco took this oppurtunity to handcuff her. 

*horn noise*

Omochao (AI Announcer): Ururaka, Bakugou, and Ayoyama have pass the exam. Next up for the final match. Sonic, please some to the arena.

Bakugou: Sonic's next. Come on! Lets go back before his fight starts! I want to see it!

Ochaco: Same!

Everyone was in the camera room, including the teachers. They brought in popcorn and chips since this is a fight they don't want to miss.

Sonic was slowly walking to the arena with a big grin on his face as he enters the arena.

The students and teachers can feel the tense atmosphere as he enter the battelfield.

Ochaco: Please win Sonikku!

Bakugou put his hand on her shoulder. Ochaco quickly turn her head to see Bakugou looking at her with a reassuring look.

Bakugou: Don't worry. He'll win. I know it.

Omacho: The Final match of the exam will begin NOW! 

Izuku Midoriya: The Blue BlurWhere stories live. Discover now