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It's been hours now. It's midnight now and Regina is still in labour. She has been in pain and is screaming down the place now. Her contractions are so close together and apparently so pain but she's still not ready.

"Emma please... get it out" Regina begged as she just had a big contraction.

"The midwife should be here soon. She will tell us if your ready" I say holding her hand while trying to reassure her.

"I've been here for hours. Why don't you want to come out" Regina asked looking at her bump.

"Let's see if your ready" the midwife says while walking into the room. She bent down between Regina's legs and did what she has been the last few times. I don't want to see it or say it. "Your at 9cm. Nearly there Regina" she says looking up at her.

"Just get him out" Regina sighed as she threw her head back.

"Him?" I questioned.

"Yeah I think it's going to be a boy. I wanted a girl so I think it's a boy" Regina replied while rubbing her stomach to sooth it.

"It might be a girl" I say softly while really hoping it is for her sake.

"It doesn't matter. I'm giving it away" Regina says looking up at the ceiling in pain.

"Your what" I asked shocked now.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I can't keep a baby Emma. I'm 23 years old and I can't give this baby the life it deserves" she says as she started crying softly at the thought.

"Don't speak so soon. Just holding this baby in your arms when it comes out and you will pick then" I say as I sat on the bed next to her.

Regina then squeezed my hand out in pain as another contraction came. She's been in labour for 12 hours now. The midwife came in and quickly checked. She looked up with a smile which reassured Regina a little.

"Please tell me it's 10cm" Regina asked quickly as she looked down at her.

"Your at 10cm. Let's get this baby out" she says smiling. I stood up and held Regina's hand. She took a deep breath and relaxed a little. "Ready? One big push"

Regina squeezed my hand as she pushed. She screamed out in pain. I leaned forward to see but nearly threw up.

"That's disgusting" I say gagging.

"You've done this before" Regina says looking confused.

"Yeah I was this end though" I replied feeling a little grossed out.

"Big push ready" Anne says nodding her head.

Regina pushed and screamed. Squeezing my hand so tight I think she might break it. She was screaming down the place in pain. She stopped and was crying a little.

"How much more? I can't do this" Regina asked appearing in so much pain.

"Regina the head is nearly out. Big push" Anne says reassuring her. Regina squeezed my hand again and pushed. I hope these doors are sound proof because it's 12 at night and people are probably asleep. "Ok good. The head is out" Anne says smiling.

"Is it" I asked leaning to look. I gagged again and nearly threw up as I stood up straight. It's not a pretty sight. "That's still gross" I say trying not to gag.

"Stop looking at it or you'll be sick" Regina says slapping my arm.

"Sorry. Come on. One last push and it's out" I say rubbing her shoulder and smiling at her.

"Ok. I can do it. Ready" she says looking scared to do it.

Me and the midwife both nod. Regina pushes for the last time. Screaming so loud and squeezing my hand so tight. Finally the sound of crying came as Regina let go of my hand. She relaxed down and rested her head on the pillow.

"Regina you have a healthy 8 pound little girl" Anne says smiling as she rapped the baby up.

Regina stayed in her position and had her head facing away. She shook her head and closed her eyes. The midwife was about to speak when I walked over. I took the baby girl in my arms and looked down at her. She's so beautiful. Just like Regina. I went over to the bed and sat down on it.

"Regina look at me" I say while rocking the baby to stop her from crying.

"No. I can't. I can't keep her" she says beginning to cry again.

"Just hold her" I say now demanding.

Regina turned her head towards me. She moved so she was sat up and looked at the baby. Her look grew softer. I placed the crying baby in her arms and she smiled at her.

"Hey little one" Regina says rocking her gently in her arms. The baby stopped crying at the sound of her mums voice. "Emma. She stopped crying. I made her not cry... I made her. I made this human. She's mine. She's my baby. No one else's" Regina says as she smiled and cried happy tears while looking at her baby.

I smiled knowing now Regina is going to keep her. She couldn't stop smiling at the baby. She leaned down and kissed her head softly.

"What are you naming her" I asked as I put my arm around Regina's shoulder.

"I'm sticking with my original name. I'm naming her after my mum. Little Aubrey" she says with the biggest smile on her face.

That day was the happiest I'd ever seen Regina. She never smiled that much before. I kissed her head softly causing her to rest her head on my shoulder. I smiled at the beautiful little girl in her arms. Aubrey was a nice name.

"She's beautiful Regina. She's lucky to have you as a mum" I say while looking down at her.

"Thank you. Not for saying that but thank you for making me hold her. A few seconds later I would have given her away" Regina says as she looked up at me.

"It's ok. Your going to be a great mum" I say while stroking the top of Aubrey's head.

Regina looked back down at her baby and smiled at him. She kissed her head softly and held her close.

"I love you my little girl" she says looking at her daughter with only love.

I've only ever seen Regina look at someone like that once before. Me. I can see it in her eyes. When she gives that look you feel safe. You know someone loves you. She gave me that look once when she first told me. I knew that moment Regina was going to keep her baby and love her forever. But I always knew there is some part of Regina that still loves me.

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