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Regina was just sat there scared. I went over and sat down next to her. I placed an arm over her shoulder and pulled her into my arms.

"It's ok. I know his name and I saw his tattoo which will identify him. You'll be ok" I say rubbing her arm softly to sooth her.

"You don't get it. He knows I set you up to do this. He's going to kill me when your not around" she says beginning to shake again.

"No he's not. Your staying at mine tonight and we will get this sorted" I say rocking side to side hoping it will calm her down.

"What about Lola? Won't she care" Regina asked now pulling away to look at me.

"No. Of course she won't. Plus she said you were always her favourite" I say looking a little confused she asked. Regina laughed slight at what I said. "What"

"I'm her favourite? Please. She just said that when you were there. She hates me and April. Granted she hates April more but still hates us with a passion. She blames us for the death of our parents" Regina says looking down like she believes Lola.

"Why does she blame you? That case was solved and proven that the guys who robbed the bank killed them" I say now very confused.

"To understand you have to know who my mum was. She was this beautiful and strong woman who all three of us idolised as kids. We all wanted to be her. Lola loved her big sister more than anything in the world. When my parents died and we didn't she blamed us. We would have never been there if me and April hadn't insisted on seeing the movie" Regina says still looking down and now starting to look even more upset.

"So she blames you because you survived" I asked a little taken back by that.

"Yeah. She wanted someone to blame so she blamed us. A year before you went undercover with us we saw Lola again. We were with the gang on the way to 'pick up a package' and stopped to see her. The girls went on and it was just us three. We started arguing and she slapped April. Now April being April didn't take it well. She punched her and broke her nose. Lola realised she isn't as strong as she was as a kid so she punched me. April went mad and punched her before kicking her on the floor" Regina admits sounding ashamed.

"She actually hit you? Regina why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked as I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her face to look at me.

"Because its not exactly one of my ice breakers" she says looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Well I don't care what she says. It's my house and I want you there until this is over. Understand" I say sternly but not helping the smile.

"Got it. I have to go to the doctor. Please come. I don't want to go on my own" she says looking a little scared but trying to hide it.

"Of course. We have to go now though because I'm picking Freddie up from school in an hour" I say as I stood up.

Regina stood up but tripped on something on the floor. I quickly caught her before she fell and landed on glass. I now had her in my arms leaning down as if I dipped her. I locked eyes with her and didn't stop.

"Thanks" she says while looking as if she was catching her breath.

"No problem" I replied not moving from our position.

I lifted her up so we were stood straight. We were still close together and not pulling away. My heart was racing. My breathing caught in my throat. All of a sudden I could hear a voice in my head shouting that I'm engaged. I let go off her hips and she quickly slipped away. Regina walked to the door and out the room without a word. I just stood shocked. I was actually going to kiss her then. Why do I keep doing this? I'm not allowed to keep doing this. I have to be careful. Regina then came back to the door with her jacket now on.

"Come on let's go" she says before walking to the door.

I followed her out quickly. Regina locked her front door before turning around and walking towards the stairs. She stood at the top and looked down at them. I caught up with her but when I stood next to her she flinched.

"What's wrong" I asked confused.

"Sorry. I need to stop being scared of everything he used to hurt me" Regina says shaking her head at herself.

We walked down the stairs and out of the building. Regina got into her car which was now a black Mercedes instead of a red Ferrari. I got into the other side of the car before she started driving.

"What do you want it to be" I asked breaking the 5 minute silence in the car.

"What? Ow the baby? Umm... I don't know. I always dreamed of having a little girl when I was younger. I could name her after my mum" Regina replied as she slightly smiled as she drove.

"What was her name" I asked softly.

"Aubrey" she replied smiling a little more now.

"What if it's a boy? Will you name him after your dad" I asked smiling across at her.

"No he hated his name. It was Charles. He always said it sounded so British" Regina says with a chuckle at the thought. She smiled and I could tell she was thinking. "Speaking of. You never told me about your parents" she says glancing across at me.

"I told you. I don't have parents" I replied looking at her with a slight laugh.

"Everyone has parents. Were you given up for adoption" she asked looking back forward at the road.

"Not exactly. I was left in a basket outside my house while my biological parents moved to a different place. I was never adopted by anyone and once I left the place I moved in with my boyfriend at the time. He proposed to me and then obviously we tried having a baby but he left. I was lucky that he let me keep the apartment we lived in or I would have been homeless" I replied as I remembered my childhood and how I don't usually think about it.

"Ow shit. That's rough. Just think. I had an amazing childhood and a tough adulthood. You had a tough childhood and had an amazing adulthood" she says with a semi smile for some reason.

"I guess except my adulthood isn't that great" I replied as I thought about what I should say next.

"Why? You have a great and successful job. You have a son who is the most amazing kid ever. You getting married to Lola. Your such a sweet person. You have great friends. You seem to have a good life" Regina says looking as if she was thinking while driving a little faster.

I noticed what she did. Did you? Read what Regina said again. She used adjectives for every reason but Lola. She didn't say great girl or a sweet girl or lovely or anything. She just said Lola. What does that mean? What is she trying to say? I know she doesn't like Lola but this means something deeper.

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