Chapter 4: The cookie crumbles

Start from the beginning

She was left puzzled, wondering what he had meant in the end. Pens?

Anisha rose from the sofa lazily, grabbing her bag. She began pulling her make up items out when she littery had a moment of epiphany. Holy cow!

Anisha recalled where she had heard Sid's voice before. She pushed open the cabin door to find him standing right outside, kneeling against the wall, looking at this watch.

"15 seconds, that is impressive," He cracked up.

"Mr. Kanwal...Siddharth? I spoke to you today on the co-con call..." Anisha stammered, completely embarrassed about not identifying him.

"I recognized you the moment I laid my eyes on you on the pier." Sid spoke, stretching his arms lazily. "Although, it took me a minute too to figure out that you hadn't seen me during our conference call today." Siddharth pushed himself off the wall and prowled closer to Anisha causing her to take a step back instinctively, "Such a small world, isn't it?"

"True..." Anisha paused and looked at her feet to avoid his penetrating gaze. He was studying her intently.

"Well, this is silly but I really hope this doesn't affect our company's association. We are looking forward to a long term relationship with Kanwal enterpri..." She assented nervously when he promptly interrupted her.

"Relax Anisha, we are not in an official setup. We're here to celebrate your day. Please don't get all formal with me. Believe me, that's the last thing on my mind right now."

Anisha nodded but she knew it was going to be difficult to sustain. She wasn't sure where the professional boundaries ended. Too complex.

"What is your poison?"

"Long Island," she mumbled almost inaudible. Siddharth leaned closer, his face merely inches away.

Speak up, you fool.

Anisha was so hesitant and guarded at that point. Because she knew, one wrong move with Siddharth and Rajan would expect her to hand over the project to another team member. Worse, they would have no client. She had worked too hard to let all this go down the drain.

"I couldn't hear you," he whispered, in a raspy tone.

Siddharth was visually surprised, when Anisha took a step further away, "Long Island... Please". He tried to analyze her reaction but his face dropped instantly, sensing her sudden coldness.

"One LIIT, for the birthday girl," he bowed, smiling slightly before walking away.

Anisha knew that his smile was forged because it didn't light up his face as it did before. She walked back into the cabin with a sunken feeling.

Charmi was sprawled on the sofa with her shoes thrown across the floor. "Someone got comfortable," Anisha stated sarcastically.

"Someone's got a boyfriend," Charmi giggled and threw a pillow at Anisha.

"Shhh, he will hear you." Anisha gasped and flung the pillow back at her.

Anisha told Charmi the entire story about the conference call and her potential promotion depending on that contract with Siddharth's company. How if she messed up, she could potentially get fired and how complicated their relationship would get.

"I am sorry, Chika. It's kind of my fault to put you in this position. You guys can be friends at least, right?" Charmi sulked.

"It's not your fault. And, sure, him and I can be friends," Anisha assured her. "I can't thank you enough for this amazing arrangement. I can't wait for the party to start!"

"You're welcome, love. Anisha you should change. I will go hang out with Siddy for a while and see if he needs my help."

"How do you know him by the way?" Anisha asked nonchalantly.

"Our families hung out with each other when we were kids and then they moved to Dubai. He recently moved back to town for business and we got in touch through Facebook. Rest is history."  Charmi rose to leave, "Anything else you'd like to know? Oh, wait yes, he is very much single"

Anisha scoffed. Stepping into the spacious bathroom she started to unbutton her blouse. Kicking off her heels, she tied her hair up into a messy bun. Anisha focused her attention on the girl in the mirror.

Was Siddharth, really flirting with that girl she saw or was it a figment of her imagination?

Anisha splashed some cold water on her face. She watched as the water drizzled down her flat cheek, stocky neck, and tiny nose. The mascara smudges now running down her face, making her look like a corpse bride.

She was rubbing off the mascara stains when she tried reaching out for the face wash which was in her makeup bag. "Idiot!" she muttered to herself, frustrated that she had left the bag in the room. As Anisha opened the bathroom door she yelped as she wasn't expecting company.

She had walked in on Siddharth holding a glass of what she later confirmed was her drink. He was equally stunned by her sudden appearance but had a more amused expression.

"You might want to cover up your..." Sid teased, pointing to his own chest while concurrently placing her drink down on the coffee table.

Anisha immediately grabbed her open blouse as she tried to salvage a very unpleasant situation. Sid wasn't even trying to look away, his nerve.

"Sorry, will see you outside," he chuckled, seemingly unapologetic. "No offense but why even bother covering? It's not like I won't see you in your swimwear."

"I won't be needing one." Anu retaliated. "I can't swim."

"Are you serious?" Sid tried not to laugh. "Who doesn't know how to swim nowadays and you're on a boat."

"Don't you travel by air? I am sure you don't know how to fly," satisfied with her comeback.

"Flying is not humanly possible but swimming can be learned... You're welcome by the way," he smirked in the end, pointing at her drink. Jerk!

She barged into the restroom still fuming at his arrogance. Anisha scrubbed all the dirt off her face and reapplied her make up. She made sure to dramatize her eyeliner, put on her darkest shade of red lipstick to match her dress and toted light blush to her cheeks.

She brushed and fluffed her hair until it appeared smooth and silky. She slipped into her red dress and secured the dress string tight at her nape. She wore her heels, stood up and gazed at the girl staring back at her in the mirror. Fierce.

"Let's show him what you're made of!" Anisha mumbled to herself, before walking out.

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