Chapter 3

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Ray's POV

"So you knew? When?" I asked her, she was surprised for a moment then went back to her usual calm state. "Hm? What do you mean?" She asked me, "Stop playing dumb, I'm not that stupid.." I replied. She sighed "I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore, you knew about it too?" "Yes, now tell me, when did the first time you figure it out?" I asked impatiently. "I will tell you if you answer your own question first." She smirked at me. "Since the beginning, I knew it since I was still a fetus. Everybody have childhood amnesia, but I don't. Well that explain everything, now tell me yours." I replied rather annoyed.

I looked at where she was, I saw her face kinda looked shocked but she didn't face me, she was still staring at the wall in front of her. "Since I was 3, it was the time when Alex got shipped out." Hearing Alex name, made me felt sorry for her since she was really close to him. "What happened?" I asked again. "Well that day I followed him to the gate. Then you know what happened." "You saw everything..." I answered. She nodded her head then smiled bittersweetly, still staring at the wall, sighing "Well that's my story, now let's head back before Mama searches for us." I nodded in agreement and headed back to the fence with her following behind.

We made it back and saw everybody, Norman and Emma rushed towards us and asked a bunch of questions. Well we just avoided every question and lied about it. I guessed now we had a secret between us. A small smile crept its way to my face. 'Finally someone to talk to, I'm not alone.'

Irish's POV

'Well shit, bustedd..' I thought while mentally rolling my eyes. 'Now then, since he knew about it, maybe we can plan an escape together.' I thought while rubbing my chin. 'Maybe he knows more..than me.'

While I was deep in thought, the bell's sound rang besides my ear. "It's time for Conny to leave honey, let's head back inside, what were you thinking about?" Mama asked with her disgusting sweet tone. I faked smile "Nothing, just thinking about how happy Conny is right now, I'm kinda jealous.." I said. "Don't be, you have your own family right here." She rubbed my cheek with her right hand while her left hand was holding the bell. "Thank you Mama, then I'll go inside now." "Yes sure sweety." After she said that, I sprinted back to the House.

We gathered at the front door inside the House. Well it was a sad moment for all of us, especially for Don. I had a blank expression on my face, knowing what will happen next, I was holding back my tears.

A while after Conny left and after we had dinner, Emma came to us, shouting. "Conny left her Bunny!!!" Hearing that, some of the kids in the scene that moment were worried. "You can catch up with her, I saw the light at the gate still bright and Mama hasn't come back yet, means that they're still there." Ray said. Then Norman and Emma decided to catch up with her so they both ran outside. I approached Ray and whispered beside him "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Yes, we need to plan an escape, I bet you're planning an escape right now and we need as much help we can get, as soon as possible..." "and they're the right choices because they're the smartest and the oldest." I continued him, he nodded his head as a reply. "I see..." I continued.

We waited for the two to come back at the front door. After waiting for like hours, they came back. Both of them had a gloomy expression. "So how'd it go?" Ray asked beside me. "We didn't make it." Lied Norman. And so both of them went upstairs and headed to our shared bedroom. I pitied them, well it must be hard to know that we're just livestocks.

"Guess they know it now."

"Yea, kinda feel sorry for them." I closed my eyes then sighed "I think I'll go to sleep, wait maybe after they've gone to sleep." I continued.

"So where are you going now?" The black haired boy asked me "I guess library." I replied. "Then see you later, I'll go to sleep now. Lucky for me, my bed is not in the same room as yours." He smirked at me, I rolled my eyes and shooed him.

After he left, I went to the library and read the book I've been reading since the morning. An hour or 2 passed by and I decided to head back to sleep. I closed the book and went to the shared bedroom. Before entering the room, I put an ear on it's door to hear if Norman and Emma were still talking. Fortunately, they had gone to sleep, so I opened the door and went inside.

To my surprise, I heard a noise beside me. I thought they were still awake, but soon a wave of relief hit me. It was Emma having a nightmare. I went to her bed's side and hold her hand. Seeing her sleeping form getting relaxed a bit, I sighed in relief and kissed her forehead then whispered 'Everything will be alright, I will make sure each of you will escape from this hell.' While rubbing her cheek. I whispered 'goodnight' to her then went to my own bed.

I couldn't sleep at first, I was thinking about the first time I knew about the truth. Yea that was the worst day of my life, the most depressing moment in my entire life. I bet that's what Norman and Emma's feeling right now. 'Aniki...' Suddenly a picture of Alex's smiling came to my mind. I sighed then closed my eyes 'I miss you.' I started to sob a little, thinking about Alex. Sighing the last time, I decided to sleep and end this day. Darkness took over me and I drifted off to sleep.


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