Chapter 1

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Irish's POV

It was a rainy day when it happened.

"Say good bye to Alex everybody!!" Our mom said to the others. The room was filled with tears and sad faces. Alex was now 12 years old, the smartest in this house. He was like a brother to me and I had the closest relationship with him. He cared for me more than the others. I cried the loudest than the others and ran to Alex, I hugged him tightly and cried. "Don't leave me!" I pled "I'm sorry Irish-chan, I promise I will send letters to you every week!" "Really?!" "Yess!!" the 12 years old boy smile to her and hugged her, crying. "I'm gonna miss you Irish-chan!" "Me too, don't forget me Aniki!"

And then he left with Mama while holding an umbrella, I decided to follow them quietly so I went to the front door while everybody went to the dining room to prepare dinner. "Where are you going Irish-chan? It's raining" Said a boy beside me with black hair, Ray. "Ahh.. to get some fresh air. It won't take long" I lied. "Oh ok."

I immediately ran outside, ignoring the rain and spotted Aniki with mom. I followed them far enough for them to not notice. They reached the gate and made a turn. I walked to the gate and poked my head beside the wall. Water dripping from my hair. Luckily the gate was a bit wet so I wouldn't get caught. I shouldn't be here but I just wanted to see Aniki for the last time. Thx to my small figure they didn't notice me and I could see them clearly.

Suddenly ugly creatures came out from a door and stabbed Aniki's chest with dead flower. The flower magically bloomed and turned red. I heard Aniki's scream of pain as he slowly died right in front of my eyes. My eyes widened in surprise and fear. I froze in my spot and saw mom from the corner of my eyes. My surprised increased when mama didn't do anything and seemed she was talking with the creatures. 'She worked with them?!' I thought. Even though I was still a child, 3 years old, you can say I was quiet mature for my age so I decided to run away through the rain while I put my hands to my mouth, covering it to prevent screams coming out from my throat. I ran away and back to the House.

"Irish? Where have you been? You're soaking wet!!" A girl 1 year older than me with orange hair, Emma asked me. "I was just walking outside for some fresh air. And waited for Mama to come back in the rain." I lied again. I acted like nothing happened, but I know that memory will change me from now and forever. "Ah please tell mama I'll sleep early. I'll pass the dinner, I don't have any appetite" I continued, telling Emma and Norman, a white haired boy beside her. "Sure! Don't forget to change your clothes ok?" They said in unison. "Ok!" I replied. When I said that, I felt someone's eyes looking at me from behind. I turned my head and my blue and purple orbs met with a pair of  black one. It was Ray, I decided to ignore it and ran upstairs.

I opened the door to our bedroom and ran to my own bed. I covered my self with the red blanket provided for each of the bed and cried. I was too shocked and didn't pay attention at my soaked state anymore. So I didn't change my clothes and slowly I drifted off to sleep caused by exhaustion from crying and thankfully no one noticed I was crying cause everybody was having dinner downstair. The next day, I catched a cold and I lied telling Mama that I was waiting for her to come back outside while the rain soaked my little body. Fortunately Mama believed me since I was just a kid.

--flashback ends--

I woke up due to nightmare from the past. It had been haunting me since then. I always woke up when the sky was dark and the stars and moon were still visible. 'It's still 3 AM.' I decided to head downstairs and had a drink after clearing my mind by wahsing my face. Since I couldn't sleep anymore, I went to the library.

I've been planning to escape since then, an escape plan for my siblings, so most of the time I learned and everytime one of my family was chosen, I would follow them unoticed and gather more information. It's cruel indeed, but there's nothing I could do. 'The least I could do is to get Emma, Norman, and Ray out of this place.' Because they're the only one close to me.

I even discovered the tracking devices planted in our body since she could find us easily, but I didn't know exactly where. The range of being shipped out was from 6 to 12 due to the odd pattern and it based on your scores too. You wouldn't get shipped out early if you had good scores, I guessed they're waiting for our brains to develop. And fortunately, I found morse code in all Minerva's book, that explained about the House.

I discovered all of this from time to time without Mom's knowledge. Because of this, I never saw Mama as a mom figure anymore. Now I kinda avoided any social contacts with the others so I wouldn't be stressed everytime one of my family got chosen. But I was closed with the oldest, at least they had the closest relationship with me and some kids too. And sometimes I faked my personality when I was with Mama.

I grabbed one of William Minerva's book and read it. I was really into the book, my blue and purple orbs scanned the whole book until I didn't realize it's the time for the others to wake up.

Emma's POV

I heard the alarm sounded like a bell from the clock, signaling us to wake up. So I woke up as cheerful as ever and shouted "Wake up everybody!!! Or you'll be late for breakfast!!". All of them woke up but I noticed an empty neat bed. 'I guess she woke up earlier..' I thought sadly. A kid, Phill approached me and said "Where's Irish-nee-chan?". "I think she is in the library, can you call her?" He nodded his small head and went after he changed to his uniform with my help. Then I helped the other children.

Everybody gathered in the dining room, playing, chatting, and more. Today's Conny's day, she'll leave the House tonight cause a foster family chose her. I played with the children and spotted my 2 best friends. "Good morning Norman, Ray." "Good morning Emma" Norman said. "Good morning Emma." Ray said mimicking my voice "You're so energetic. Even though you haven't eaten breakfast yet." Said Norman. "How old are you again? Five?" Teased Ray. "I'm 11 years old, the same as you guys and one of the oldest here!!" I shouted.

I heard a giggle came from behind me. "You're laughing too, Mama?" I pouted. "Emma can you give me a hand?" She said with a sweet tone. "But Mama, I'm going to redo my entrance from the beginning" I whined while hugging her. "Why? I love that part of you." Said Mama with a lovely voice. "That I'm 5 years old on the inside?" I asked confused. "The part where you cared deeply about your family." Mama said after shaking her head, then she smiled and cupped my face. I smiled hearing the compliment. "Thx mama!"

Suddenly Phill came running inside, behind him was a white haired girl walking. "Irishh!! Good morning!" I beamed. She looked at me with her heterochromic eyes "Good morning." And nodded her head while closing her eyes. Then she went to the corner of the table, along with a book she was holding.


The bell Mama shaked made sounds, signaling its breakfast time. We all gathered on 3 tables. "Good morning, my dear children. Lets give thanks that all 39 of you are able to live here happily, today, too...  Itadakimasu" She said while closing both of her hands and her eyes, praying. "Itadakimasu" the children then followed what she was doing. I ate my breakfast and I took a peek at the corner of my eyes, at the corner of the table I saw Irish was sitting alone reading while sipping her milk. A saddened face could be seen from my face. The girl had changed since Alex left, it was 7 years ago. Everybody thought that it was because Alex left. 'But I'm grateful she still talks to Ray, Norman, and I'.


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