📺 movies | russia x child!reader

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Ur boi is cured of the worst headaches and more 👏👏🏼
Ty for the love guys ❤

F = food

F = food

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

3rd POV

Russia sighed, laying down on the couch. Feeling very, very bored, there was nothing good on tv and there wasn't anything fun to do.

(y/n) was asleep and most of his siblings weren't home, his dad was in a meeting with some countries and his phone was dead. Russia yawned, hearing the clock tick, he got up and stretched, deciding to have a snack or something.

A small child sneaked up behind the Russian, about to attack him by hugging his legs since he's so tall, Russia was unaware of this and continued making a non American sandwich.

(y/n) pounced on him, startling Russia, making him drop the lettuce he was holding.



Russia yelled in surprise, the male/female laughed and giggled, the new father playfully glared at the smol and picked the child up. Giggles and laughter filled the kitchen as Russia hugged the child.

"Your so mischievous.."

(y/n) wrapped his/her arms around Russia's neck and hugged him.

"Grandpa said the same about you~"

Russia rolled his eyes, putting the smol child on the ground and picked up the lettuce.

"Dad, can I also have some (f)?"


Russia grabbed a plate of premade/fresh (f) in the refrigerator and handed it to the smol bean. The child thanked his/her father and sat down on the table, Russia sat down with the child and both started eating.

Russia smiled and sighed, thinking about that day when he found the very best thing- Wait no, person God has ever blessed him with, (y/n).

"What did I do to deserve you?"

(y/n) shrugged and continued eating the tasty plate of (f), feeling the hunger slowly go away.

"Я люблю тебя Папа."
(I love you dad)

Russia blushed and smiled, hugging the small bean.

"Love you too, Little Communist."

The small child smiled and stuck his/her tounge out and hugged his/her father back.

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