001 › the licensed cupid

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•   10 years later..   •

"congratulations, jihyo!"

the 18 year-old cupid bowed, "thank you."

her seniors circled her, saying their greetings to the newly licensed cupid who have been in training for 10 years already.

"ahh, i'm so proud!" one of her seniors- fei says dramatically, wiping some of her fake tears, "you're finally a licensed cupid!"

jihyo happily squealed, "i know, i can't believed it!"

"but you're still oblivious as ever- ow!" taecyeon groaned in pain when sunmi slightly punched his arm.

"cut it, you." she growled.

nickhun walks towards her, "so jihyo, what are you going to do next?"

"i'm gonna do my very first mission!"

"oh! speaking of mission.." suzy handed jihyo a pink envelope, "its from cupid head, valentine. he said, that i should give this to you."

jihyo slowly opened the envelope, its a letter.

"i think its your first mission jihyo-ssi! read it, read it!"

to the newly licensed cupid- jihyo,
          congratulations to you, cupid jihyo. you're ten years of training had been paid off, i'm so proud of you!
          so, i'm going to give you this first mission of yours, and its not just any mission- i have been preparing this special mission for you for a very long time now

then there's two pictures, my first mission.

park jimin, minatozaki sana

          they are your first mission, but since you have been through a long way already- i believed in your skills. and i decided to send you on earth, to personally meet this two.
          you need to get them close together, manually (you know what i mean). you will know when is the right time to shoot out your arrows, okay?
           good luck, cupid jihyo!

cupid head,


"jihyo-ssi, hajima." jinyoung covered jihyo's mouth with his hand, preventing another loud squeal from her, "you might wreck someone's ear buds- gah!"

jihyo bites off her sunbae's hand, "arrachi, arrachi."

"but why are you-"

"the cupid head gave me my first mission, and i get to live like a normal human on earth again!"

her taecyeon and fei's jaw dropped, hearing that unexpected news from their junior, "wow."

silence fills the place, not until wonpil popped out of air and shaked jihyo with her shoulders.

"that's amazing! like wow!" he then releases his hoobae, "that's one rare case, jihyo. but wait- did you say 'again'?"

jihyo slowly nodded.

"what do you mean by that?!"

cupid in disguise 『 p.jh × p.cy 』 • 『 m.sn × p.jm 』Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя