On the move again

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It didn't take you long to finish washing yourself off. Finally free of that disgusting blood that caked your skin, you felt fresh and brand new. Although, your leg still pained you a bit.

When you stepped out of the shower, you noticed your neatly folded clothes sitting on the counter by the sink. You rolled your eyes and chuckled, fetching a towel from a nearby hook and wrapping it around yourself.

After drying off, being careful around your wound, and tossing the towel over the shower curtain railing, you began getting dressed. Your clothes felt soft and smelled like freshly picked lavender, your favorite.

You dried your hair and quickly brushed it before slipping on your socks and shoes, unlocking the door and stepping out into the hall.

Logan looked over his shoulder at you and rose from his chair, giving you a small smile. "You look good. C'mon, let's go." He said, jutting his chin out to gesture to the door.

You chuckled and blushed slightly, flipping your hair as you walked past him and towards the door. Logan thanked the doctors and nurses that helped and gave them what money he could even though they originally refused any payment.

After that, you both were on the move again. Though this time, your wounds were slightly hampering your ability to move and travel.

Logan led you out of the town and decided to catch a ride with a tractor trailer driver who was passing by, seeing that you both wouldn't get very far on foot. The driver seemed nice enough, even letting you help yourself to the surplus of snacks he had in the back.

A few hours later, Logan nudged your shoulder to wake you up. You had fallen asleep along the way, your body craving a good rest.

"Mm..." you mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning.

"Time to get up. We're gettin' off here." Logan said, turning to the driver and nodding. "How far away is the nearest town from this gas station?"

"'Bout two miles that way, give or take." The driver replied, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "Be careful 'round these parts. The folks are rough on newcomers."

"Alright, thank you." Logan replied, opening the door and letting you get out first.

You hopped out of the truck, your boots hitting the pavement with a light thud. You winced slightly at the stinging pain from your wound, but otherwise ignored it. You turned to face Logan, a cheeky grin on your face. "Where to now?"

"We're goin' into town to get something decent to eat. If anyone even looks at you wrong, tell me and I'll handle it." Logan said gruffly, gesturing for you to follow him as he began walking down the side of the road.

"Alright, mr. overprotective." You teased, jogging after him and walking once you reached his side. You slipped your hands into your pockets and sighed, gazing at the road ahead of you.

This was going to be a long walk.

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