Fire on the mountain

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-Logan's cabin, Whitacre peak-

Logan's cabin was actually quite nice looking, despite the fact that its roof was overgrown with moss and vines. There was a soft light peeking through the cracked glass window as you followed him to the front door.

"I figure this thing has been abandoned for over a decade, yet it's still standing." Logan spoke, his breath appearing as a cloud in front of his face.

It was getting colder as the night went on and you were eager to get inside. "How did you find this? It seems like it's out in the middle of nowhere..." you mumbled, stroking your hand across the damp wood that lined the doorway.

"I stumbled upon it one night when I was traveling in the woods. Seemed like no one was using it, so I put it to good use and made it my temporary camp. Come in, I think the fire is still going." Logan replied, opening the door and stepping inside. His boots creaked on the floor as he walked over to the fire and added more wood.

You took in the room before you as he did that, amazed by how much stuff was in there. For such a large cabin, Logan only used the far right corner as his personal space.

There was a ripped sleeping bag stuffed in the corner with a pillow made out of pine needles wrapped in a cloth. Another set of clothing hung loosely on a wire that was strung in front of the fire, looking like it was being dried.

The kitchen was quite small and barren, no food that you could see. The entire room smelled like smoke and maple syrup, a soothing scent in your opinion.

Your thoughts were halted when Logan walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard, digging around for something in particular.

"You hungry? I've got a few cans of beans and a pack of dried jerky." He said, looking over his shoulder at you.

You shrugged and chuckled, walking over to him. "Sure, haven't eaten in a while. How do you survive off of just beans and jerky?"

"I don't. Sometimes, when I have the money to spare, I'll go down to a diner or whatever and buy a meal to enjoy. It doesn't happen often, but I make do with what I have." Logan smiled, bringing out a few cans of beans and the pack of jerky. "Have a seat, I'll bring your food over when it's ready." He gestured to the straw-filled pillows on the floor that were arranged in a circle by the fire.

"Alright then, you sure you don't want me to help?" You asked, feeling bad that he was doing all this for you.

"Nah, a woman shouldn't have to cook for herself all the time. You've had a rough night and deserve some rest." Logan replied, using his claws to slice open the cans.

You blushed again and quickly turned away before he could see. "Well I appreciate it, Logan. I'll be sure to help you in the morning, you look exhausted."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He rumbled, walking over to the fire and setting the cans of beans down to cook over the flame.

"Okay, tough guy." You flirted with him, taking a seat on the floor and enjoying the warmth of the fire.

You heard him chuckle again as he ripped open the pack of jerky and set it on the floor between you and himself.

It was a fun night while it lasted. You were actually starting to grow on Logan and he started opening up to you. Even though you just met him earlier, you were already beginning to fall in love.

-The next morning-

Sleeping on a hard wood floor wasn't exactly comfortable, but it had to do. You didn't want to make the whole situation weird by sleeping beside Logan in his sleeping bag, so you made a makeshift bed out of the pillows by the fire.

Something eerie had happened last night and you were almost too scared to tell Logan. Around 2 am, Logan began thrashing around  on the floor. After a while, he stopped for a bit and you felt better.

But then he started growling like a feral dog.

No, like a wolf.

It sounded like there was an actual wolf in that cabin with you! His claws kept sheathing and unsheathing, ripping through the fabric of his sleeping bag. Now you understood why it was all torn up.

He must've been having a nightmare, that was your only logical explanation. You pushed that thought to the back of your mind and sat up, rubbing your fingers through your messy hair.

You glanced over to where Logan was sleeping before, but he wasn't there. You rubbed your eyes and got to your feet, stretching your aching back. You suddenly remembered the blood on your shirt and felt the nasty, sticky feeling as you peeled it off of your skin.

"I need a shower..." you mumbled, walking over to the window to see where Logan had went. Your eyes widened when you saw him standing just outside the window and you thought he was naked at first.

To your relief, he still had his pants on. He was dousing his exposed torso with freezing cold water, washing off the dried blood from last night. You felt yourself blush harder and start to drool as you admired his muscular arms and his luxurious hair.

You almost fell backwards when he turned around and saw you in the window. His face turned beet red and he covered it in embarrassment.

"I need to stop washing in front of the window, huh?" He chuckled, his face growing redder and redder.

"N-No! I was just wondering w-where you went, that's all!" You stammered, completely flustered.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to having company. Do you need to rinse off? I can go refill the bucket." Logan asked, trying not to sound weird or awkward. "You... uh.. still have blood on your clothes..."

You looked down and chuckled nervously, nodding. "Yeah... I guess I need a shower..."

"Okay, I'll be right back." Logan quickly picked up the empty bucket and walked into the woods, wanting to get away as fast as possible. "God, I looked like an idiot back there...." he thought as he stepped down the hill and headed to the stream.

Meanwhile, you were internally screaming while sitting on the floor. "Why does he have to be so hot?! I looked like a fool!" You huffed, tucking in your knees and sighing. "But he seemed pretty flustered too... does he like me back...?"

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