Something's not right here...

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A few minutes later, the waitress brought two steaming plates of food over, setting them down before you and Logan.

She turned and smiled brightly at Logan, her smile seeming.... unnatural. It creeped Logan out and he cleared his throat. "Thank you, ma'am." He said, hoping she'd go away.

"You're welcome, honey! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!" The waitress replied, turning on her heel and walking quickly back to the kitchen.

You noticed the grumpy look on Logan's face and giggled. "What? You don't like people callin' you honey?"

"It's not that... Something's not right here... The way that woman smiled at me just sent shivers down my spine..." Logan mumbled, poking at his food with his fork. Although he was starving, he was hesitant to eat the food after the whole coffee incident.

"She's just being nice! Loosen up a bit!" You chuckled, taking a bite of your pancakes.

Logan looked you straight in the eyes, those liquid brown eyes of his seeming to stare into your soul. "Y/N, listen to me. This may seem like a normal diner, but I know it isn't. Something is wrong here, I can feel it."

You lowered your voice to a whisper and laid your hand on his forearm. "Are you sure? Is it those people who are chasing you?"

"I'm not sure, but we need to—" Logan was cut off as the glass windows shattered. A bullet hit him in the shoulder and he grunted, rolling off the booth and dragging you to cover.

Bullets whizzed through the air, digging into the back wall and ricocheting off of the metal pillars. Logan had pulled you to safety behind one of the thicker walls, breathing heavily.

You noticed the growing blood stain on his shirt and grew worried. "Are you okay?" You asked before remembering that he could heal by himself with his healing factor.

Logan growled, looking at the wound and pressing his hand on it to stop the bleeding. "It's not healing..." he mumbled, looking at the blood on his hand.

"What do you mean it's not healing?! I thought you said you could heal yourself!" You exclaimed, your voice quavering in fear as more bullets bombarded the diner.

"I know! Something happened..." Logan said, thinking for a second. "It was the coffee! That waitress poisoned me and took away my healing factor!" He snarled, unsheathing his claws.

"I didn't know your healing could be taken away! What are we going to do?" You asked, trying to calm down.

"We fight our way out..." Logan said grimly, leaping out from his hiding place and charging towards the attackers.

"Logan no! You'll get shot!" You shouted, hissing as your nails grew into sharp claws and your pupils dilated into pinpricks. You leapt out and darted to Logan, tackling a man who was about to hit him over the head with his gun.

Logan already had a bullet wound in his torso and leg, but he was still fighting. He sliced through another gunman, blood splattering on the wall and all over his shirt.

He stumbled forward when another shot struck him in the back, his vision blurry. The pain was becoming unbearable and he hunched over, clutching his side.

You finished mauling an attacker and looked up, seeing Logan hunched over and bloody. "Logan!" You screamed, darting over to him just as the last gunman was about to fire.

As he pulled the trigger, you leapt in front and took the shot to your leg, tumbling to the floor and hissing in pain. Despite your injury, you lunged at the gunman and shredded his throat, your nails and hands stained with blood.

The gunman collapsed, choking on his own blood before eventually dying. You huffed, breathing heavily before turning around. You glanced at your leg, seeing a decent sized blood spot spreading through your pant leg.

"You alright...?" Logan asked roughly, coughing a bit and looking at you.

"I'm more worried about you..." you replied, limping over to Logan and allowing him to lean on you. "We need to get you to a doctor..." you mumbled, helping him walk out the door and into the street.

"We need to figure out who's behind this..." Logan rasped, wiping his mouth. "Who put that poison in my drink..."

"We'll worry about that later, right now you need to get medical attention." You said sternly, huffing as more of his weight was leaned against you.

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