New Form

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When I woke up again I felt lightheaded and had a tingling feeling in my chest. I looked down, for as I was still strapped to the table, and I didn't see me. "Me" as in my human body. Instead, I saw my new form. Shockwave came in through the doors and looked at the screen he was holding in his hand.

"How are you doing Eva?" he asked.

"Lightheaded. And why is there tube connecting to the middle of my chassis?!"
Chassis. Wait, where did that come from? Hmm...
"The lightheaded feeling will leave. In the middle of your chest is your spark. I believe you would've referred to it as a heart and soul. It is being loaded with information of Cybertron just as you requested."

"Understood. Thank you. When will I be able to get off of this this berth and actually do what you want me to do?"

"After this process and your testing."

"How long will the process take to finish?"

"A couple more minutes. Then after I will take you to see your new form and give you your weapons."


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