I started to pick up the pace in turning off the breakers and went back over to the primary control panel to re-direct the main power conduit to the decommissioned laboratory. The generator lit up and things were looking good, but when I looked over to check on Levi I saw that there was a huge horde of Titans coming into the room. I ran to grab my sniper and shot two rounds, taking down six Titans, three per bullet. I ran over to Levi in a hurry and started using my pistol.

" Levi, it's almost down! We've just got to keep them at bay!"

" Damn it Eren go turn the thing off! Don't worry about me! Go!"

Levi pushed me away but i kept shooting at the horde before us. I wasn't going to leave him, not like back then. I'm not making the same mistake twice!

" Eren get to the generator! Gah!"

" Levi!!!"

Before I had time to process what had happened I watched as Levi fell to the floor, and once I heard his body hit something inside of me lit up and without any second thoughts I got up, ran to him, quickly dragged him behind a metal storage closet, and threw a grenade at the horde. I made a run for the metal closet and just as the grenade went off I had jumped behind the closet.


It had been about an hour since I managed to shut down the generator and kill of the remaining Titans that may have survived the blast, and so I sat up against the closet with Levi laying on my lap. Turns out a Titan managed to slash his chest down to his stomach, since I didn't have anything I could use to do some small first aid I had to let him lay atop of me. Leaving me to hope that he'd be okay and not lose too much blood. I kept thinking about everyone else back at my place, at Levi's Aunt's house, and my brother. This whole thing certainly did jog up some emotions I thought I could never feel again after I lost my birth mother, but what I found strange was that I was thinking of him. My father of whom I killed with my own two hands.

Now that I'm thinking about him I guess I do kind of miss him. I miss him for who he was before my mother died. Sure I never got to see him much as he was making it big in the medical career but when he was home things were even better than just me and mom. He'd take us to so many places when he had the time and he'd make family his number one priority when he was with us. Though he wasn't much for the outdoors he did enjoy seeing his family happy and having fun. I remember on my seventh birthday he took us to Germany to visit my mom's side of the family and while I was playing with my cousins I saw my parents nestled together on the porch that overlooked the yard I was playing in, and that was the last time I saw the both of them happy together.

While I was thinking back about my family, Levi had started to move a bit in my hold so I carefully pulled him up as to not strain either of us since my wounds had reopened after I made that reckless move with the grenade.

" Levi, you awake? Can you hear me? Come on, say something."

" ! Eren... what... what happened?"

" One of them got you pretty badly so I ended up using a grenade after getting you to safety."

" What about the generator?!"

" It's fine, it didn't get damaged so I was able to turn it off while you were still out cold."

" What about the rest of the Titans? What if Kenny is still alive, or his team? ! What if-!"

Artist's Hands [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now