Ric, "If your babies are all mellow then you can keep them together but it's good to have the options!"

Quinn, "So you'll stay right?!"

I give Dalys hand a gentle squeeze and nod when he looks at me.

Daly, "Sure bro, we'll stay til it's safe and babies are a bit older. Thanks guys. We appreciate the support!"

Quinn, "Wait, this isn't even the best news!"

Raf, "There's something better than Lexi giving birth to triplets?"

Quinn, nodding, "Yep! Cause I was the only one with them when we found out, I get to name one of the babies!"

And the table exploded! Well not really, but it felt that way.

I watched as everyone started arguing and trying to make deals with either Quinn or Daly.

I smile at Drake as he sits next to me.

Drake, "You doing ok? For real?"

"Yeah. I really am. I have 6 wonderful and crazy cousins, 7 amazing brother in laws, and a best friend who's always got my back. And now three babies to love forever with the man of my dreams! If it wasn't for these fucking Russians, my life would be a dream."

Drake, "I'm happy for you chicca. I'm so happy I was here for this tonight."

"How's things going with Riley?"

Drake, "Amazing. I really do love him. I can't believe I met the man of my dreams at your wedding. In senior year. I came out to the guys at the academy."

"No way! Why? How was it?"

Drake, laughing, "Well they kept trying to set me up, or organize for hook ups you know, and although I wasn't planning to do anything, it still felt like cheating, and I'm proud to be with Riley. I want to show him off. So I came out. And they were all pretty cool with it. A couple jerks but no-one I actually give a fuck about."

"I'm so happy for you."

Drake, "Yeah. Me too. But the bitches at the academy keep drooling over Rileys pics. They keep asking to see pics of his cock. Like, why would I ever show them that?"

I'm laughing loudly at that. I look around at the sudden quiet. I see everyone looking at us fondly.

"Sorry, were we being too loud?"

Daly, "You're absolutely perfect love. You be as loud as you like!"

Rom, fake coughing, "Whipped!"

Raf and Ric both slap him on his head.

I see Quinn sitting down with a smug grin on his face, while Colin and Owen shoot death glares at him.

Colin, "It's not fair. We met you first. Even before Daly."

Owen, "That's right. We should get to name a baby too!"

Daly, "Lexi saved your life. I think that's your favor done for eternity bro. Sorry."

We all laugh at the look of disgruntled disgust and chagrin on their faces.

After a great time with everyone making fun of each other and having fun, we all called it a night.

I was changing for bed when I got a text from a private number.

Hello Lexi. You don't know me but Vlad spoke very highly of you. He had asked me to take care of you if anything was to happen to him. I was told he was shot today protecting you. But that you got revenge for him. I wish to thank you deeply. I did not think all the good that was spoken of you was true, but I see now that it was. I wish to meet and speak in person. Just to check up on you and reassure myself that I'm keeping true to Vlads wishes. If you can meet, please reply to this number. Hoping to meet you soon.  Mikael.

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