Chapter 3

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I could feel the anger vibrating through his body. He looked to the side and sees Rob, Roc, Rom and Rod all standing stiff and straight, all with their arms crossed and with matching scowls, staring at the guy beneath me.

"No, if you look to the other side you'll see the big Russian dude, probably dead right now, over there" says Owen,  pointing at Mr Bear.

The guy faces my cousins and says

"Thanks guys, I owe you for taking care of my brothers. You know we always repay our debts"

With that he nods respectfully to them.  Owen coughs, Colin does a weird wheeze like laugh (throat probably too swollen for much else yet), and even my cousins can't keep the smirks off their faces. 

"Umm...well the thing is wasn't them that did that... it was...well..."

Owen seemed to be having difficulty admitting that a girl saved their asses.

"Who fucken helped you guys Owen? You know I don't like to leave a debt unpaid!"

I look down at Daly and say,

"Well that would be me actually"

I smirk at the dumbfounded expression on his face. Rob seems to be over his humor and is frowning again.

"Since we've all come to understand that no-one here is going to hurt the other, you can get off him now sorella"

I only just realize that my dress has hiked up high on my thighs as I was straddling Daly, and that my breasts were pretty much in his face as I was leaning down to keep his arms pinned. I quickly got off him and went to stand by my cousins. 

"Scusa fratelli, nessuna mancanza di rispetto" (sorry brothers, no disrespect intended)

"Noi conosciamo la sorella" (we know sister) Rob sighed.

Daly stood up too and went to check on Colin. He looked me up and down, 

"Are you sure such a little thing did that?"

He points to Mr Bear. My back straightens when he calls me 'little thing'. I'm not even little. I'm 6 foot. I'm thin but I'm full of muscle. It's not my fault that these guys are all giants. Even the twins as young as they are look about 6 foot. Owen takes one look at my face and stands in front of a confused Daly.

"Please Sorella, he means it in a nice way,  not as an insult"

Hearing him call me sorella confused us all.

"Why are you calling me Sorella?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, your friend, boyfriend, whatever Rob is to you,  called you that a couple of times, so I thought that was your name. Again, I apologise, no disrespect intended"

I could see Daly getting annoyed at the way Owens speaking to me.

"We don't scrape down to no mans side piece, no matter what they've done. You've already thanked her. No need to lick her boots"Daly says with contempt.

My cousins all step forward. I see the twins notice they're outnumbered and already injured. I hold a hand up to stop my cousins.

"We've had enough violence today guys. Ok, let's start again shall we?"

I only look at Owen, I hold my hand out to him to shake, not caring about the blood this time as it's mostly dried or already wiped on Daly. Cue evil laugh.

"Hi Owen, my name is Lexi Russo, sorella means sister, although technically I'm their cousin. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Owen takes my hand with a dazzling smile on his sweet face and while shaking it says,

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