How to Save a Life: Bertholdt x Reader

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How to Save a Life: [Bertholdt x Reader]



“__[Dog’s Name]__!!” You shouted your pet’s name. It was midnight and you accidentally left the door open while putting out the trash. Your dog wondered off outside as you quickly went back inside to pick up the ringing phone. When you finally finished the conversation you realized the door was wide open and your dog was nowhere to be found. You quickly ran out of the house, searching for him. “__[Dog’s Name]__!!” You were on the verge of tears.

You ran down the dark streets, panting but you didn’t stop searching for him. He was your only companion. Your parents were travelling the world and were hard to get a hold of. Your sister/brother was in university in a faraway country as well. You live all by yourself and decided to adopt a dog so you wouldn’t be lonely. Now, he’s a big part of your life and you can’t lose him as well.

“__[Dog’s Name]__!” You called him once more, scanning your surroundings worriedly. The wind was chilly but you were too worried to even feel the cold of the night. You then heard a bark and immediately turned around. You spotted the familiar __[Dog’s Fur Color]__ in the dim light. You saw as he ran to the opposite street. You immediately chase after him.

Bright lights shone into your eyes and you squinted your eyes immediately. Loud honking rang your ears and before you realize what it was, a car knocked right into you. You could barely understand what was going on. All you were thinking about was how eerie the cracks you heard sounded like. Pain started to overwhelm you and you couldn’t move.

You ended up on the street, propped on the ground like a broken rag doll. Everything was blurry and your eyes lids were extremely heavy. You heard loud screeching noises before __[Dog’s Name]__ ran to your side and licked your face. You tried to reach out for him but you couldn’t move your hands, or any part of your body. You wheezed in pain.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar face came before you. You squinted your eyes more to catch a better look at the stranger but it was a bad idea as your eyelids started to close.

Miss…! Miss…! Mi…..”


Bertholdt was walking home to his new place when he heard a voice calling for someone named __[Dog’s Name]__. He walked over to towards the voice out of curiosity and also out of his gentle giant heart. He heard a loud thud and screeching and immediately his instincts kicked in. He started to sprint towards the noise and found a __[Dog’s Breed]__ licking the face of a woman who was sprawled on the ground in an awkward angle.

He gasped and rushed to her side. He scanned her up and down; she was in a pretty bad shape. It was obvious her leg was broken and she had lacerations throughout her body. Her head was banged up as well and was bleeding. He looked around the quiet streets. He failed to find the car that had knocked her down.

“Miss! Miss! Miss!” He gently tapped her shoulder as to not hurt her. She looked into his eyes with her __[Eye Color]__ dazed ones. Slowly, her eyes lids closed and she lost her consciousness. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay, Okay.” Bertholdt breathed. His hands were shaking at the scene before him.

The dog was whining and sniffing at her fingers. Bertholdt pulled out his cellphone and dialed 911 (Or whatever emergency number you use). He stuttered as he explained the situation to the emergency operator on the other end of the line.

He did as he was told by the emergency operator. He moved her to a safer place carefully. He then took out his handkerchief and applied pressure onto her bleeding forehead. He made sure he kept an eye on her pulse and her breathings. He tried his best not to lose his cool before help arrived.

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