zach herron • sick (2)

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"hm?" his tired voice asked. he walked in and spotted you, his face immediately lifting.

"y/n!" he weakly exclaimed. he hurried over and sat down on the couch. you wrapped your arms around him and he put his head on your chest.

"i thought you couldn't come?" he asked. his voice was hoarse from just coming off stage.

"surprise." you chuckled. "i couldn't not come to take care of you."

"thank you." he hugged you again.

"of course." you kissed his forehead. "oh, baby i think you have a fever."

"really?" he asked. you pressed your cheek against his forehead.

"yeah, you definitely do." he sighed.

"are you guys staying in a hotel?" you asked.

"yeah, david knows."

"okay, i'm gonna see if we can stop by a drugstore and get you some medicine, okay?"

"okay. david's across the hall." you got up and went to talk to david. he said he had an uber on the way to take you to the hotel.

once the uber arrived for you and zach, you snuck out the back and they took you to a drugstore. you ran inside and bought medicine and water for zach.

you got back into the uber and they drove you to the hotel. zach checked in at the front desk, then you headed up to the room.

"do you wanna shower before you get in bed?" you asked. he nodded and went into the bathroom. you texted zach's mom to let her know how he was doing.

zach came out of the bathroom in just sweats. his hair was still wet as he climbed into bed.

"it's freezing," he said shivering.

"you should've put a shirt on." you chuckled. "here, these will help with the headache and the fever."

he took the pills and the water and swallowed them.

"now i just need cuddles," he said. you smiled and took off your shoes. you were wearing sweats and a t-shirt anyway, so you turned off the lights and crawled into bed next to zach.

zach turned on his side and lay his head on your chest. you rubbed his back and ran your hands through his damp hair.

"i love you," he said softly.

"i love you too." you kissed the top of his head before closing your eyes and soon falling asleep together.

in the middle of the night you were woken up. zach wasn't in bed anymore and the bathroom light was on. you got up and went to the bathroom.

"baby, you alright?" you asked. you noticed him slumped over the toilet. you sighed and got a rag wet, then sat next to him and rubbed his bare back.

he sat up and you handed him the rag.

"i'm sorry," he whispered.

"no it's okay. i'm sorry you're feeling so bad."

"i don't know what we're gonna do tomorrow."

"it's only midnight, i'm sure someone's awake and can get you some more medicine. and we'll just stay here and rest all day, okay? and if you miss limelight tomorrow, that's okay."

"but he fans pay so much to meet me and then if i don't show up they'll be upset."

"okay, then what about using those doctor masks like you did last year. then you won't get anyone else sick. and you can just sit down somewhere."

"okay." he nodded. you rubbed his arm as you both sat there. then zach threw up again.

once he was done, he brushed his teeth while you got zach's phone. you texted in the group chat that all of his managers were in to see if someone could get him medicine. they replied as you were helping zach back in bed.

"thanks for taking care of me," zach said as you brushed your fingers through his hair.

"of course zach. you're my baby." he softly chuckled and hugged your waist.

there was a knock on your door and jon was outside with a bag full of medicine. you thanked him and let him know how zach was feeling, then went back inside. you turned a light on and got zach's medicine ready.

"i hate being sick," zach whined after he had taken all his medicine.

"i know baby." you pouted your lip as you went to turn the light off and get back in bed.

zach put his head on your chest and you played with his hair again as you both fell asleep.

a long one and a sick one since zach is actually sick rn. poor baby :(

i hope you guys liked this. also thank you for 5k <3 it means a lot to me :))

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