learning languages

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Izu sat in his room, humming an English song he had recently gotten into, his finger tapping along with the tune. He was good at English, with the extra help from his dad, he could speak it almost fluently, which did make his English lesson a little boring at school. Luckily, at home, his dad had begun to teach him sign language, Shiyu had joined in. It was useful to know, and it meant he could communicate with more people. As a pro, it would be useful, his dad had told him of a few times that he had helped deaf or mute people in and out of his hero costume. Izuku took extra tutorials online, and seemed to pick it up rather quickly.

Hizashi had noticed how quickly Izuku picked up foreign languages, and that was on the forefront of his mind as the meeting he was in stopped for a break. Though, it was obvious his mind was elsewhere to the other members of the staff.

"What are you thinking about?" Aizawa asked, looking like he wanted to nap, but was more concern of his friend's silence.

"Just thinking about Izuku learning languages. He's picking up English and Sign language pretty quickly." Hizashi said

"Well, you can't be too surprised." Aizawa told him. "You're always muttering in a foreign language, Izuku probably picked up a lot of it when he younger."

"Is that even possible?" Hizashi asked

"Oh definitely!" Nezu inserted himself into the conversation. "Younger children learn to speak from their parents, so he's probably picked up whatever language you've spoke in around him."

"He does seem rather eager to learn more languages, he speaks about his English lessons, but I think he finds the boring..." Hizashi muttered.

"I am pretty sure Izu speaks fluent English by now." Kayama chuckled from her seat. "Why don't you ask his school to give him the exam early? He'll probably ace it."

"I'll consider it... do you think I should teach him more languages then?" Hizashi asked

"Well, ask him first. Though, he's a lot like you and will probably say yes." Aizawa nodded, Hizashi leaned back in his chair, thinking about it.


"I'm back!" Hizashi called as he entered the house.

"Daddy!" Asako came running, Hizashi chuckled and quickly swept her into his arms.

"Ah, Asako! Miss me?" Hizashi grinned.

"Yep! Have fun?" Asako giggled, looking at him with wide eyes.

"I was stuck with grumpy old uncle Aizawa, I couldn't even smile without him glaring at me!" Hizashi told her dramatically, Asako giggled.

"Izu and Shiyu say Uncle Aizawa is like a cat! You should get him a squeaky mouse, like Fuwafuwa!" Asako suggested innocently.

"I might just do that." Hizashi chucked he carried her into the kitchen. Kyoumi smiled at Hizashi and Asako.

"Does Gyudon sound good for dinner?" She asked

"Sounds great? Where are the boys?" Hizashi looked at the empty table.

"Shiyu is designing, Izu is ignoring me." Asako pouted.

"Izu's in his room listening to music, probably an English one." Kyoumi said.

"Ah, you know Izu goes into his own world when listening to music Asako." Hizashi set her on a chair.

"Yeah, but he won't play..." Asako said

"If you asked him, he would say yes." Hizashi told her. "How about you ask him after dinner?"

"Okay." She nodded

"You should go and get changed before Dinner's ready." Kyoumi smiled, Hizashi nodded and headed upstairs.


Before Hizashi went back down, he knocked on Izu's door. When he didn't get a reply, he peeked in to his room. Izu was at his desk, Fuwafuwa was curled around his shoulders. Izu was tapping along with the music from his headphones. Hizashi approached him and lightly tapped shoulder cause Izu to jump slightly, Fuwafuwa yawned and jumped of Izu's shoulders, but wasn't pleased about being interrupted from his nap. Izu paused his music and removed his headphones.

"Hey dad, how did the meeting go?" Izu asked

"Ah the usual. I actually have something I want to ask you." Hizashi said

"What is it?" Izu looked a little worried.

"It's nothing bad. I was just wondering, seeing how quickly you've pick up English, would you like me to teach you some other languages?"

"Really? I would love to learn more, especially since I want to go pro. The more Languages I know the more I can help right, especially if there is a tourist involved in anything!" Izu smiled.

"The, how about this, starting after school Monday, I will start teaching you some more languages." Hizashi told him.

"That would be great!" Izu hugged him. "Thanks dad!" Hizashi patted his back. The family had quickly learnt that without being bombarded with other emotions, Izu was an extremely loving, kind person, Hizashi always knew he was, but with his own emotions, he was even more so. Though, he did have a sarcastic side too, that mostly arose when Aizawa was there, which was quite entertaining to watch Izu and Aizawa fall in to a conversation which sounded like the two off them were trying o out do each other with sarcastic comments, Kyoumi caught one such conversation on camera, of course she sent it to the Yuuei staff, not that Izu and Aizawa knew.

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