t h e C r a z i e s

7 0 0


my pov

when the moon is full,

the beasts comes out..

but.. there's another saying,

"the freaks come out at night.."

some are pumpkins,

some are monsters

so, do we really know who walk among us?

apparently crazies and freaks

come out before Halloween..

so I guess we have to pray ahead

for those folks instead.

be careful and look out

because you never know who's

real and who is not.

we all can go from

normal to mentally insane

does that mean society

has to be inhumane?

the world is full of crazies

but not very many humans...

BUT worry not and be optimistic

no matter what life throws

at you..

so have a good night,

and happy hunting kids.

remember to get lots of goodies

but never forget about the CRAZIES.


this was meant for last year in October as a Halloween and daily look out for psychos and crazies little poem / story thingy. but i read this the other week and was like OMG GOTTA POST THIS xD hope you like it! thanx for reading ((:

(( written 9.14.14 ))

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