o u t e r l i m i t s

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l y r i c ' s m e a n i n g ;

                       ❝You know Iiiiiii, I've been waitin' on the other side

                       And yoooooou, all you gotta do is cross the line

                   I could wait a whole life time, but you just gotta decide

        You know Iiiiiii, I've been waitin' on the other, waitin' on the other side❞

- "the other side" by bruno mars

           Being on the other side is a metaphor for being in the realm of stardom, fame, and fortune; the becoming of an elite and crossing the barrier that divides the normal citizen from those with power.

         He’s saying that he will be fine because he has guaranteed protection and success forever.

           The whole song is talking about how Bruno Mars, Cee-Lo, and B.o.B are so different that they live in a whole other realm, where people won’t understand unless they’ve been there. And when other people get there, they won’t appreciate it as much, so it would be better if they just didn’t understand at all.



i always wondered what this song meant, well not until i was thinking about it yesterday morning xo now i see and it does not pertain to vampires or werewolves you fools jk but seriously no.

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