w h i t e n o i s e*

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s t o r y ;

                             Because white noise contains all frequencies,

                              it is frequently used to mask other sounds.

                    If you are in a hotel and voices from the room next-door are leaking into your room, you might turn on a fan to drown out the voices. The fan produces a good approximation of white noise. Why does that work? Why does white noise drown out voices?

             Here is one way to think about it. Let's say two people are talking at the same time. Your brain can normally "pick out" one of the two voices and actually listen to it and understand it. If three people are talking simultaneously, your brain can probably still pick out one voice.



blah, blah, blah. that last part doesn't mean much but i just wanted to see who else feels this way bc or understands this. this is literally how i am before i sleep; i can't stand outside noises or inside. i literally (yes again) need a placebo to help me sleep and a fan usually helps a lot opposed to what i used to do listen to rain on my ipod lol :D

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