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I was nervous to go back to school the next day. So I took a day off.

Cowardly, I know. But mom understood. And let me take a day off. We spent half of the day watching movies and gorging on pasta, chicken wings and ice cream. Weird combination, I know. At the end of the day, I had a stomach ache. So did Jungkook and Jin.

Wait, how and where do they go and poop? I should ask them that. Maybe they poop in the drain holes or something. I dunno. I'll ask them later.

So I was on the toilet, pooping while using my phone. Don't judge. I get bored. Russell messaged me.

russellthegenius: ...Hey.

I freaked out immediately, obviously. I screamed. I didn't know what to do! I was confused.

Okay, those three dots before the 'hey' obviously means he wants to talk. And he wants to talk about my crush on him. I'M DEAD.

Like, really, really, dead. He's gonna confront me about my crush. I'm gonna mess up and say something random and totally stupid in front of him because I'm so embarrassed and scared. What if he spreads this to Duke?

But no way he'd spread it to Duke...he's my friend for years...but, Duke's his best friend.

I groaned.

"Leah, if you make another noise, I swear to God you will get no dinner tomorrow! And I'm making lasagna!"

Oh, shit. It's mom. Wait, no dinner?! And it's...lasagna tomorrow! Shit!!

I almost dropped my phone into the toilet in shock.

"Sorry, mom!" I yelled apologetically.


I didn't reply to his message. He probably knows I'm online, because I've been staring at his profile and the message for ages now.

"How long are you gonna stare at it?" Jungkook sighed.

"Until I've thought of a suitable answer."

Suddenly, Akeno messaged me.

butttterrrrr: answer Russell already!!!
butttterrrrr: he's been bugging me about you not answering him for ages!
butttterrrrr: ik u have this irrational fear of confrontation but PLS!!! ANSWER HIM HES ANNOYING ME I NEED TO STUDY

Excusez-moi???? Irrational fear of confrontation?!!! Fear of confrontation is not irrational! A lot of people have it so therefore, it is not irrational! It's something to be worried about.

ballisticmeatballs: stfu Akeno
ballisticmeatballs: and my fear isn't irrational ok
ballisticmeatballs: and TELL ME WHAT TO SAY!!! I have no friggin idea.
ballisticmeatballs: FML

With that, I sat and waited for his answer. He didn't reply. He's probably studying - wait, studying?! Why would Akeno study at - OH FUCK I HAVE A HISTORY TEST TOMORROW MR GUNN'S GONNA KILL ME!!!

"Finally you remember that test," Jungkook stated, smirking.

"You knew?!" I screeched at him.

"Of course I did. Unlike you, I pay attention in class. Even though I don't have to."

"How do you pay attention in History class with Mr Gunn?!"

"I don't pay full attention, but I do observe things for you. Like the fact you have a test tomorrow."

I groaned. "Ugh..."

"And I'm only paying attention because you're so stupid, okay? It's embarrassing to see the person that's taking care of me fail at something as simple as History. It's not for any other reason, okay? So don't get any stupid ideas. Pabo."

"Yeah, yeah..."

I went to get my books from my bag so I could study. I took out my books, and was about to place it on my desk when mom yelled my name from downstairs.

"Leah! Go to sleep! It's ten thirty, and you have school tomorrow!"

If I tell mom I have to study for a test...then she'll probably shout at me because I didn't inform her.

Ugh! Guess I have no choice but to switch off the lights, and study with the flashlight of my phone under my blanket.

I switched off all the lights, and was about to study, when I got a message. From Russell.

russellthegenius: Please answer me. We really need to talk.
russellthegenius: I know that you've got a crush on me. We need to talk about that. Please, Leah.

"He sounds pretty desperate," Jungkook commented from my shoulder. "Reply if you don't want things to be awkward."

"Jungkook, I need to study."

"Just reply!"

"Oh, fine."

So I did.

ballisticmeatballs: Hey. Sorry I didn't reply. Could I explain myself first?

I cringed at my message and burrowed my face into my hands.

russellthegenius: ...go ahead.
ballisticmeatballs: that was just a rumor! No way I'd like you, you're like a brother to me!

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Kookie growled, kicking my cheek with his tiny little leg. It didn't hurt.

russellthegenius: I'm glad to know that. Thank goodness 😅. I was afraid that I was going to lose my friendship with you!

WHAT??? So if I said the truth...my friendship with him would be lost?! Thank you, whoever's up there!

The door suddenly opened and I jumped dropping my phone on the bed.

"Leah Williams, what are you doing, awake at this hour?!" mom screeched.


"You're studying?! Don't tell me you have a test tomorrow!"

I looked to the side sheepishly, avoiding her gaze.

"Of course you do! It's just like you to be so forgetful and inattentive in class."

...and the lecture continued, late in the night. Jungkook was laughing at me and Jin was quietly snoring away in his bed on the dressing table. Pretty sure he knew I was getting scolded, because I saw him smirk in his sleep at one point of the scolding.

But my spirits aren't dampened! Russell doesn't know about my crush on him and I'm saved! I didn't lose a friendship! Yehet~


Hey. I updated 👆🏼. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, cuz I sure did writing it. It was fun and self-satisfying. Anyways, if you have any questions, please ask them. I'd be glad to answer them.

~ ImAntiSocial09

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