"RIP, Kookie."

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I felt really nervous today for some reason. I don't know why. I felt like my day was going to go wrong at one point.

Nothing went wrong in Math class. I had done my homework - everything was correct. There was no pop quiz in History. I did not get chewed out by the teacher when I passed notes to Sook during English. What was wrong???

During lunch, Russell had come to my class, blushing. It was cute, but he wouldn't talk to me. He just completely ignored me during that time.

I tried talking to him, but he'd just fake-smile, giving me short and curt answers. That idiot. What is going on with him??

Does he like me? WTF LEAH NO WAY.

Nope. Nada. I'm the most unlikable person in this whole school; there'S no way he'd like me.

Did he find out - NOPE. Never. He can't find out. The ones who I've told are the most trustworthy and tight-lipped people I've ever met! No way he could've found out.

Ugh! What is the problem??? Oh, should I ask Akeno? Both of them are neighbours and they are pretty close. I'll ask Akeno about what's the matter with -


I screeched, frightened, and fell off of my seat. "WHAT???"

"Can't you pay at least a little attention?"

"S-Sorry, ma'am..."

Believe me teach, I'm paying as little attention as I can.


I didn't get a chance to speak with Akeno at all that day, so once I got home, I decided to text him.

ballisticmeatballs: hey Akenooooooo
butttterrrrr: what
ballisticmeatballs: I have a question

No answer came for a while. Then...

butttterrrrr: what is it??
ballisticmeatballs: so rooddddd

"Just get to the point already," Jungkook snapped.

I shrieked, frightened. "WHAT THE FRIG JUNGKOOK?!!!"

"Aishhh!! Talk softly, woman!" he growled, placing his hands over his ears.

"Don't tell me to talk softly!!! Why are you looking at my text messages?? It's an invasion of my privacy!"

"Chillax, woman! You'd need a guy's perspective for this problem of yours, right? So I'm just helping!"

He has a point there...he's in no way connected to Russell too, so...

"Fine. Okay. But you have to help me! You absolutely have to!"

"Okay, Okay, no need to shout! Now type a reply!"

ballisticmeatballs: you happen to know why Russell's acting so weirdly around me?
butttterrrrr: no!!!! Why???

"He knows. He absolutely knows. And he doesn't want to tell you."

"Why doesn't he want to tell me?" I asked.

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